vrijdag 11 oktober 2024

Keppeltje Als Steunbetuiging met Joods Zionistische Genocide

Joden mogen overal een keppeltje dragen, niet-Joden ook, maar Europese parlementsleden mogen geen Palestijnse shawl omdoen om hun betrokkenheid te tonen met de slachtoffers van de Joods-Zionistische terreur. Sterker nog, de EU weigert Israel te boycotten vanwege zijn genocidaal beleid. Kortom de Europese Unie steunt Zionistische terreur, hetgeen steeds meer de vraag oproept of dit ondemocratische instituut niet zelf aangevallen moet worden: 

French MP to entire European Parliament: "I am addressing you, Mr Borrell, as a Member of the European Parliament, but also as a child of the Nakba. I hope you realise that Israel's impunity began in 1948. "Lebanon must not become a new Gaza." These are the words of the UN Secretary-General, declared undesirable on Israeli soil. 2,000 people killed, including 150 children, more than 10,000 people injured, more than 1,200,000 people displaced, including 350,000 children, according to UNICEF.

The Israeli regime is today comforted by the silence of the Western powers. It is the lack of clear condemnation from European countries, and therefore from the European Union, that allows Israel to act as it does. In Gaza, where genocide is underway, as in Lebanon, we are being watched. The military incursion in the south of the country is also being carried out in defiance of all international conventions. The excuse of Hezbollah and Hamas is being used today as a pretext by Netanyahu. Israel had already invaded Lebanon in 1978, four years before the birth of Hezbollah. Israel had colonized and occupied the Palestinian territories well before the creation of Hamas.

The European Union does not give itself the means for either consistency or political credibility in terms of foreign policy. We owe this demand for justice to all those who trust our institutions, to all those whom we sacrifice and betray." - Rima Hassan https://lnkd.in/gdavXCW4

Resterende tijd 1:50

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