donderdag 1 augustus 2024

Speaking in Congress 2002. Urging the US to invade Iraq.

Speaking in Congress 2002.
Urging the US to invade Iraq.

10-15 million people died because of lies.

Is it beginning to make sense who is running your governments and cheapning the blood of those that look and sound less European.

zi0n!st Isrel is desperate to wage a regional war, especially against Iran and Lebanon. In the words of Richard Medhurst, Yesterday's desperate actions by Isreli assassinations in Iran, Lebabon and Syria became blatant acts of war, flagrant violations of international law. Nations have waged wars for far lesser reasons. Brace yourself, it will be long and painfull to watch. We are witness to the beginnings of the end of the American empire, zi0nism and Isrel as we know it. When all is said and done, the only path to peace is the rebirth of Palest!ne.

Those quite voices over the last 10 months, your governments of US, UK, ISRL have sucked you into this.

Those who call themselves the 'chosen ones' have the most extraordinary capacity for evi1.

We on the other hand can make great things happen when small voices of reason collectively speak up and act. Speaking up is neither activism or being radical, be human.

Resterende tijd 0:56

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