zondag 28 juli 2024

How Neocons Grow Rich


Eric Zuesse

Neocons grow rich by delivering the right kind of false interpretations of history — both recent and past history. An example will be described here, which displays how this path to success, in business and in Government, is carried out, throughout the U.S. empire:

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Ian Bremmer is the neoconservative founder and President of Eurasia Group.

On 1 May 2005, the neoconservative David G. Bradley’s Government Executive magazine, for Government Executives, published an “Intelligence Shop” article, titled “A company of analysts sets its private eyes on government.” It was about Eurasia Group, and described that as “an elite unit of 28 intelligence analysts” who “leave their political beliefs at the door and tell their customers what they think will happen.” It had “more than 170 customers,” and, “some … are in the federal government's intelligence community.” (All the rest were presumably in the private sector: billionaires, their executives, lobbyists, etc.) This firm’s Chief Operating Officer was Maureen Miskovic, “who, before joining Eurasia Group in 2000, was the chief risk officer at investment bank Lehman Brothers.” That’s the Lehman Brothers whose collapse in 2008 sparked the collapse in global stock markets. But now she was at Eurasia Group, where she “oversees” that elite unit of 28 intelligence analysts.” After all, back in 2000, when she left being the chief risk officer at investment bank Lehman Brothers, at the very time of the dot-com crash, she was just the type of person, with just the type of background, to be “overseeing” these “28 intelligence analysts” in this “Political Risk Advisory” firm.

On 14 June 2023, youtube posted “The Next Global Superpower Isn't Who You Think | Ian Bremmer | TED”. Here is what Ian Bremmer said there, from 0:56 to 1:57, with my own comments thereto added between brackets:


About 15 years ago, [NOTICE: He doesn’t say what, how or why, but ONLY when; but is he referring here to Putin’s 2007 address to the Munich Security Conference? If so, then Russia was on the correct side of that — for international law and against aggression — and America was the leader AGAINST that.]


things got a little more complicated.


The United States increasingly didn't want to be the world's policeman [FALSE: It did. To allege that GW Bush was against America’s being policeman to the world is crazy. ]


or the architect of global trade [FALSE: It did want that.]


or even the cheerleader for global values. [FALSE: It did want that.]


Other countries were becoming more powerful,


and they could increasingly ignore many of the rules they didn't like,[FALSE: America was LEADING the replacement of international laws, by its OWN ‘international rules’.]


sometimes even setting new rules themselves. [FALSE: The U.S. Government itself did that — NOT “sometimes even,” but ITSELF.]


What happened?


Three things.


Number one,


Russia was not integrated into Western institutions. [FALSE: During 1990-2000 the U.S. regime was leading Russia to become a U.S. colony; then, Putin entered power and halted and reversed that.]


A former great power [he was referring to Russia — NOT to America] now in very serious decline [BECAUSE America was leading it] [But ever since Putin took over in 2000, Russia’s economic growth-rate has been one of the world’s highest, and far higher than America’s has been throughout that same 25-year period.]


and they are angry about it [as they SHOULD have been, having been misled and ripped-off by America’s elite].


We can argue about whose fault that is, but we are where we are. [NOTICE how he sloughs-off that “fault.”] 

This is the way to market, to the denizens of the U.S-and-‘allied’ (i.e., colonial) Deep State, “Risk Analysis” and “Management Consulting”. All neocons have the same goal: conquest of the entire world by the U.S. Government, by means of subversion, sanctions, coups, and invasions. The strategic goal is the same, but only the tactical methods need to be changed so as to increase the likelihood of achieving the goal. The reason why this is a profitable field to be in is that all billionaires support this same mega-imperialistic strategic objective.

Thus, Eurasia Group, which opened with one office in NYC in 1998, now has offices also in London, Washington DC, Tokyo, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Brazilia, and Singapore.

Neocons grow rich by serving these lies.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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