woensdag 10 juli 2024

The BBC can't help but reveal its role as a government propaganda tool.


The BBC can't help but reveal its role as a government propaganda tool. The News at Ten tonight led with a lengthy segment on a Russian wave of air strikes that killed 36 Ukrainians. That's right: 36. Israel has regularly killed that many Palestinians – or more – in a single day for nine months. But Gaza fell off the news agenda months ago. For the BBC, when Israel attacks a hospital – as it has done repeatedly in Gaza, though usually unreported by the BBC – Israeli spokespeople are given airtime to justify the targeting of medical staff and patients, including children. It's now an accepted part of Israel's 'military operations'. Even Israel's mass round-up of Gaza's doctors, their internment and widely documented torture is treated as so unremarkable by the BBC as to be not worth reporting. But when Russia hits a hospital in Kyiv, it's clear to BBC journalists that the strike is a moral abhorrence and deserves unreserved condemnation. The BBC's chief propagandist in Moscow, Steve Rosenberg, scoffs at Russian claims that the hospital was hit by a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile. Notice how closely that echoes Israel's claim of first resort that, every time a hospital in Gaza was hit, faulty Hamas rockets were responsible – an excuse always treated seriously by the BBC. The only reason Israel no longer bothers blaming Hamas – and admits instead that it is the one attacking Gaza's hospitals – is because the western media are fully on board with the idea that Israel has a right to go around destroying Gaza's hospitals. Rosenberg ends, with his usual complete lack of self-awareness, by stating: "This is one of those days where I feel most acutely the chasm here between reality and appearance." Yes, that chasm in the BBC's reporting of reality and appearance in Ukraine and Gaza is acute indeed – for anyone with their eyes open.
Jonathan Cook
The BBC can't help but reveal its role as a government propaganda tool. The News at Ten tonight led with a lengthy segment on a Russian wave of air strikes that killed 36 Ukrainians. That's right: 36. Israel has regularly killed that many Palestinians – or more – in a single day for nine months. But Gaza fell off the news agenda months ago. For the BBC, when Israel attacks a hospital – as it has done repeatedly in Gaza, though usuall
The BBC can't help but reveal its role as a government propaganda tool. The News at Ten tonight led with a lengthy segment on a Russian wave of air strikes that killed 36 Ukrainians. That's right: 36. Israel has regularly killed that many Palestinians – or more – in a single day for nine months. But Gaza fell off the news agenda months ago. For the BBC, when Israel attacks a hospital – as it has done repeatedly in Gaza, though usually unreported by the BBC – Israeli spokespeople are given airtime to justify the targeting of medical staff and patients, including children. It's now an accepted part of Israel's 'military operations'. Even Israel's mass round-up of Gaza's doctors, their internment and widely documented torture is treated as so unremarkable by the BBC as to be not worth reporting. But when Russia hits a hospital in Kyiv, it's clear to BBC journalists that the strike is a moral abhorrence and deserves unreserved condemnation. The BBC's chief propagandist in Moscow, Steve Rosenberg, scoffs at Russian claims that the hospital was hit by a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile. Notice how closely that echoes Israel's claim of first resort that, every time a hospital in Gaza was hit, faulty Hamas rockets were responsible – an excuse always treated seriously by the BBC. The only reason Israel no longer bothers blaming Hamas – and admits instead that it is the one attacking Gaza's hospitals – is because the western media are fully on board with the idea that Israel has a right to go around destroying Gaza's hospitals. Rosenberg ends, with his usual complete lack of self-awareness, by stating: "This is one of those days where I feel most acutely the chasm here between reality and appearance." Yes, that chasm in the BBC's reporting of reality and appearance in Ukraine and Gaza is acute indeed – for anyone with their eyes open.
Weergaven by the BBC – Israeli spokespeople are given airtime to justify the targeting of medical staff and patients, including children. It's now an accepted part of Israel's 'military operations'. Even Israel's mass round-up of Gaza's doctors, their internment and widely documented torture is treated as so unremarkable by the BBC as to be not worth reporting. But when Russia hits a hospital in Kyiv, it's clear to BBC journalists that the strike is a moral abhorrence and deserves unreserved condemnation. The BBC's chief propagandist in Moscow, Steve Rosenberg, scoffs at Russian claims that the hospital was hit by a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile. Notice how closely that echoes Israel's claim of first resort that, every time a hospital in Gaza was hit, faulty Hamas rockets were responsible – an excuse always treated seriously by the BBC. The only reason Israel no longer bothers blaming Hamas – and admits instead that it is the one attacking Gaza's hospitals – is because the western media are fully on board with the idea that Israel has a right to go around destroying Gaza's hospitals. Rosenberg ends, with his usual complete lack of self-awareness, by stating: "This is one of those days where I feel most acutely the chasm here between reality and appearance." Yes, that chasm in the BBC's reporting of reality and appearance in Ukraine and Gaza is acute indeed – for anyone with their eyes open.

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