woensdag 14 februari 2024

Dutch Liberal Secretary of 'Defense' Ollongren Wants to Keep Supporting the Israeli Genocide In Gaza



🧵:☠️ 🩸 A field execution was carried out in one of the streets of the West Bank in broad daylight. An Israeli sniper was documented firing live ammunition at a Palestinian youth wearing a white shirt, causing blood to burst from his head . ☠️: The video is not suitable for children or those with weak hearts. #AirDropAidForGaza #Gaza #USA #UK #Israel #GazaGenocide #GazaHolocaust #Scotland #Palestine #فلسطين #غزة #Ireland

Ollongren and her lover. They have two children. Both authorities 

state they are progressives, because they are lesbians, if I 

understand their ideology well. Are' these girls not cute?  Who 

can stop Ollongren?

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