zaterdag 5 augustus 2023

Are US treasury bonds safe?

🇺🇸#bonds Are US treasury bonds safe? That's not a question at all. The United States can pay off any debt! Simply because we can always just print money Nobody cares at all. It's a normal economic scheme, isn't it? Civilized world. Oh, my God! It's going to blow up at some point... Navigating the Geopolitical Chessboard - Zlatti71 Support:
0:02 / 0:22

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De Nationale Holocaust Herdenking is Doortrapte Edel-Kitsch 2

  CJO-voorzitter Hertzberger bij  Kristallnachtherdenking: spreek je  ondubbelzinnig, luid en duidelijk uit. En wat had deze joods-Nederland...