US Praises Israel, Blocks UN Call for Investigation Into the Killing of 61 Civilians
May 15, 2018 at 9:59 pm
(ANTIWAR.COM) — The United States has used its veto power at the UN Security Council to block a Monday resolution calling for an independent probe into the killing of scores of Palestinian protesters this week along the Gaza Strip border. The protesters were killed by Israeli forces.
It is very common for the US to use its veto power to protect Israel from any UN Security Council repercussions for its mistreatment of the Palestinians. US Ambassador Nikki Haley praised Israel over the killings, saying they’d not only shown “restraint” in only killing 61, but had shown more restraint than any other country on the planet would’ve in the face of the demonstration.
Haley further claimed that the blame should really fall on the Iranian government, on the grounds that the protesters were encouraged by the Hamas movement, and Iran has backed the Hamas movement in the past.
Haley mostly sought to downplay the links between the massacre and the US opening its new embassy in Jerusalem. It is fair to suggest that the two events aren’t wholly connected, as the protest was organized for Nakba Day. It is impossible not to notice that the US made the decision to open the Israeli Embassy on Nakba Day, however, despite knowing it would be seen as yet another insult to the Palestinians.
4 opmerkingen:
An absolute Must Listen !! MP Emely Thornberry's speech on the Masssacre in Gaza..... https://www.facebook.com/142202379163151/videos/1923814291001942/?hc_ref=ARRvIiZ4KTFtthAtg9gQWAat2wOKhujf-OI-J7CVh2L4Q7yJxRp55vXMz02ziqTjMOo&fref=nf
Emily Thornberry"The bullits used by the Israeli forces are designed to mushroom and fragment. To do maximum internal damage (to the animal ; used against men women and children"....
.....what should be standard is only remarkable in our extremely corrupt and rascist western 'civilisation'.....
ik heb vele jaren geleden in het grootste palestijnse ziekenhuis in oost jeruzalem de gruwelijke verwondingen gezien van israelische hoge snelheidskogels, die door hun snelheid en rotatie grote gaten in het weefsel en de organen van het lichaam maken, ik zag een jongetje van zeven jaar die ongeveer 75 procent van zijn darmen had verloren als gevolg van deze kogels. toen al realiseerde ik me dat we hier te maken hadden met zionistisch fascisme. een chirurg liet me zien hoe de kogels zodra ze bot raken het lichaam verwoesten. het is onvoorstelbaar wreed.
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