maandag 16 april 2018

The History of Syrian False Flags Exposed

Take the Red Pill - The History of Syrian False Flags Exposed

"You take the red pill... and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes"
An eye-opening look at 15 years of serial lying by the media and their creatures in the government.

The infamous line from the movie 'The Matrix'  - where Morpheus offers Neo a glimpse of the 'real' reality that is occurring, not the 'manufactured' reality that those whose rule want him to see - could not be a better analogy for what one brave (and clearly a treasonous Russian troll who should be banned from any and all social media forever) Twitter user exposes below.
"Jad" - @Jadinho123 - shows how the world has been lied to many times to create the current Syrian theater of war...

Remember this photo of a kid laying next to her ‘dead’ parents who were ‘killed’ by Assad and this photo went viral and got thousands of retweets and had people crying all over Twitter?


Oh and remember this photo of this child who was in the back of an ambulance after supposedly being attacked by Assad and his regime???
It gets worse...
And worser...

Hey , you put the photo of the , but here is the video 😏
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And worsest...
And a little make-up for good measure...
And a rehearsal for a false flag chemical attack...

2013 Syria FSA jihadists train children to fake symptoms of nerve gas poisoning for fabricated FALSE FLAG attack
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Remember the girl "running to survive and All her family have been killed..."
Well, it was a clip from a music video!!...
Oh, and remember that video of the Syrian boy 'saving' his sister from Assad forces?
Well, it was a lie too...

And here is the cast...
And one has to wonder if this is a 'coincidence' or is this girl just shit out of luck?
And CNN didn't care...
Remember this harrowing scene from Syria?
Well it was Gaza...
Remember Bana? The young Syrian girl living in Syria who would post videos blaming Assad and the regime for her friends and families deaths.
Well, this is her dad...
Here’s Bana meeting Turkish president Erdogan. Because a man who funds ISIS is so innocent right???
Finally here are two truth-bombs that actually made it to the mainstream media...

2 minutes of truth about US intervention in Syria from Jeffrey Sachs is worth more than 98 percent of the bullshit we are hearing on TV -- worth clicking on this:
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Now, go back to your dinner and your ignorantly uninformed, cognitively dissonant, unquestioning 'patriotism' to support whatever you're told... no matter how much evidence of previous lies and manipulation you are confronted with.

Source: Zero Hedge

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