dinsdag 17 april 2018

Bogus Claims U.S. and Friends, Get Out of Syria

Bogus Claims U.S. and Friends, Get Out of Syria

To be delivered to President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate
Syria poses no threat to the U.S. nor any NATO member. Being in Syria is an illegal action by the U.S. and allies.
There are currently 670 signatures. NEW goal - We need 750 signatures.


Syria is a sovereign country that is no threat to the U.S. By international and US constitutional law, an occupation or an invasion of a sovereign state without a declaration of war is strictly prohibited and therefore illegal. These actions by the U.S., NATO, and Allies place many more innocent civilians lives at risk and poses a major war with Russia and Iran. Russia and Iran were asked to assist by invitation from the Syrian government, whereas the U.S. was not invited. There is no declaration of war with Syria, therefore there is no legal reason for the U.S., Allies, or its proxies to be in Syria. The U.S. has placed itself as above the law which, by definition, sets itself above all other nations.
Theses aggressive acts by the U.S. in Syria are promoting even more destruction, violence, and chaos that are compromising world peace and the unthinkable, a nuclear confrontation.
The U.S. has placed our military personnel in harm's way and is utilizing our men and women to advance this illegal action. As a military person, you have taken the oath to secure and defend the laws of our nation and international law. If given orders that contradict or challenge your promise to secure and defend the Constitution or international law, you have the right and are compelled to reject those orders. The phrase used often by those in authority, “I was just following orders,” does not give you immunity from those illegal and immoral actions no matter what position or status you hold.
With the recent uncertainty of the U.S. fueling attacks on Assad and on Syrian/Russian forces, Russia and the U.S. are set for a direct confront. Moscow has recently opened their underground shelters in preparation for a war with U.S. and NATO (which is controlled by the U.S.). The Western news and presidential debates are a deliberate distraction from the matters that need to be exposed for what they are -- the aggressive and unwarranted actions of the U.S. is a threat to the quality of life for millions and even the extinction of life on Earth.
Being complacent, doing nothing, you have made a decision. I can say, I did my best to make the public aware so that action can take place by the thousands to help save humanity. I am not a special person, I’ve just set aside the time to construct this petition as a call for action. Like you, I’ve spent thousands of hours on my computer. However, without a doubt, this is the most important thing this machine or myself has been tasked to do. May you also realize the utter importance of this call to action.


  • 670 William Todd from Buffalo, NY signed this petition on Apr 17, 2018.
  • 669 Guy Terro from Guateng, signed this petition on Apr 17, 2018.
  • 668 Martha Chapman from Brooklyn, NY signed this petition on Apr 17, 2018.
  • 667 casolari corrado from Hillsboro, KY signed this petition on Apr 17, 2018.
  • 666 Andre Lebedev from BROOKLYN, NY signed this petition on Apr 17, 2018.
  • 665 Ryan from Visalia, CA signed this petition on Apr 17, 2018.
  • 664 Ida Y. Forni from Tijuana, signed this petition on Apr 17, 2018.
    I totally disagree with U.S., U.K. and France illegal intervention in Syria.
  • 663 edoardo from Donora, PA signed this petition on Apr 17, 2018.
  • 662 Dmitri Tenne from Boise, ID signed this petition on Apr 16, 2018.
  • 661 Cindy Carter from Fountain Valley, CA signed this petition on Apr 16, 2018.

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