donderdag 1 december 2016

MSM's Bogey Man

Latest Anti-Putin Propaganda From The British Press

Latest Anti-Putin Propaganda From The British Press
Putin weaponizes giant killer squid that hypnotises its human prey and eats them alive.
God help us! What has the Western world degenerated into? Is there no end to the absurdity of the Western media?

Is 14-legged killer squid found TWO MILES beneath Antarctica being weaponised by Putin?

A KILLER giant squid that can hypnotise its prey and paralyse humans at a distance of 150 feet using poisonous venom is being developed as a secret weapon by Vladimir Putin, a scientist has claimed. 

Killer octopus PutinGETTY
A scientist claims he discovered a killer octopus lurking beneath Arctic ice
Doctor Anton Padalka claims he was part of a Russian scientific expedition to a subterranean lake in the Arctic that discovered the terrifying creature - known as Organism 46-B. 
He said their discovery at Lake Vostok was covered up by Russian officials who are now looking at ways to weaponise and breed the deadly squid - with potentially devastating effects. 
Dr Padalka said the squid, which was discovered in a fresh water lake trapped beneath two miles of ice, possessed an array of weapons and was responsible for the deaths of at least two of his scientific colleagues on the expedition. 
Giving details which sounded like the script of a B-movie horror film he said: “We encountered Organism 46-B on our first day. It disabled our radio - which we later learned, to our alarm, was intentional. 
“It is also able to paralyse prey from a distance of up to 150 feet by releasing its venom into the water.
“Tragically my colleague and lifelong friend was killed this way. He tread water wearing a blissful smile as the organism approached him. 
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Organism 46-B was discovered at Lake Vostok, a scientist has claimed
“We watched helplessly as it used its arms to tear off its head then popped its remains in its mouth. It was as if it had hypnotised him telepathically.”
The 33 foot-long man-eater also boasts extraordinary camouflage that helped it stalk the researchers - including shape-shifting.
Dr Padalka said: “The shapeshifting capabilities of organism 46-B sound almost diabolical. It shaped itself into the form of a human diver. 
"We thought it was one of my colleagues swimming towards us in scuba gear. By the time the closest scientist has realised what it was it had grabbed him and torn him to bits.”
He revealed the octopus could also use its tentacles to kill, even after they had been hacked off its body. 
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The scientist claims two of the expedition members were killed by the beast
Dr Padalka claimed another of his colleagues were killed by a tentacle many hours after slicing it off with an axe. 
He said: “Later that night it slithered across the ice bank and strangled her.”
Killer octopus PutinGETTY
The animal is apparently similar to a normal octopus but with six extra legs
After five days battling the animal, the remaining scientists finally trapped Organism 46-B in a tank. They brought it to the surface but were shocked when it was seized by Russian officials, who told the waiting international press nothing had been found. 
Dr Padalka fled the country and raised the alarm this week after he claimed to have discovered Mr Putin’s plans to use the animal as a military weapon. 

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