zaterdag 3 december 2016

How close do you live to a NUKE?

How close do you live to a NUKE? 

Fascinating map reveals the exact locations where nuclear bombs are stored

  • Nuclear weapons are stored within a blast range of some major cities 
  • These include London, Glasgow and Brussels in Europe, and Denver and Seattle in the US 
  • Any catastrophe from a freak accident at a factory is virtually impossible 
  • However, many bombs have been lost or accidentally deployed
  • Many of these were active at the time and could still explode if triggered  

The exact locations where nuclear weapons are stored have been pinpointed - and you have probably been closer to one than you may think.
A new video highlights where all the accountable nuclear weapons in the world are kept, many of which are within the blast range of major cities across Europe and the US, including London, Glasgow, Brussels, Denver and Seattle.
While the chances of a freak accident are incredibly remote, as many as 50 bombs have been lost or accidentally deployed over the years - some of which were active at the time and only did not explode through sheer good fortune.
As well as the cities that are in close proximity to nuclear storage sites, some are transported between one another, meaning you may well have shared a road with a vehicle that was carrying a nuclear weapon.
How close do you live to a nuke? It may be closer than you think
Progress: 0%
Current Time0:00
Duration Time4:10
Need Text
There are no nuclear weapons in the Southern Hemisphere, but the countries in red are the ones where nukes are kept
There are no nuclear weapons in the Southern Hemisphere, but the countries in red are the ones where nukes are kept
A map of Europe shows there is a fair chance that you have probably been within striking distance of a nuke
A map of Europe shows there is a fair chance that you have probably been within striking distance of a nuke
A map of all the locations in the United States where nuclear weapons are kept - some are actually within major cities
A map of all the locations in the United States where nuclear weapons are kept - some are actually within major cities
America has ten different locations in which it stores its nuclear weapons, including the Kirtland Underground Munitions Maintenance And Storage Complex, which is inside the New Mexico city of Albuquerque.
This is actually the largest complex in the world, and its underground space stretches across 28,000 square metres and has room for a fifth of the globe's supply of nukes.
The video, uploaded to YouTube by the RealLifeLore channel - points out that the bombs are disarmed and taken to another compound in Amarillo - suggesting anyone who has driven that route may have been metres away from a bomb without knowing it. 
Another site just 18 miles from the Seattle, while there are hundreds of silos around North Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska and Colorado containing missiles ready to be launched at the President's command.


RUSSIA: 7,300
USA: 6,970
CHINA: 260 
UK: 215
INDIA: 115
ISRAEL: 60-400 (suspected, undeclared)
NORTH KOREA: 15 (suspected, undeclared) 
The closest of these is 77 miles from Denver, while other areas where missiles are stored include one 55 miles from Kansas City, Missouri and another 32 miles from Jacksonville, Florida.
The main storage sites in the UK are 42 miles southwest of London, at the Atomic Weapons Establishment in the Berkshire village of Aldermaston, and 27 miles northwest of Glasgow, at the naval base of HMNB Clyde.
America also keeps weapons in various locations across Europe - and the video highlights that some of these are not too far away from major cities.
These include a site in Rotterdam, an area 43 miles from Venice, sites 52 miles from Milan and Cologne, one 53 miles from the Belgian capital, Brussels.
Russia's 7,300 weapons are kept in top-secret locations but the video speculates that these are spread across the country but located within close proximity to Moscow, St Petersburg, Vladivostock and Saratov.
The map also shows the believed location of nuclear weapons in Russia (top), Israel (middle), and Pakistan and India (bottom)
The map also shows the believed location of nuclear weapons in Russia (top), Israel (middle), and Pakistan and India (bottom)
Just last month Vladimir Putin unveiled chilling pictures of its largest ever nuclear missile, capable of destroying an area the size of France.
The RS-28 Sarmat missile, dubbed Satan 2 by Nato, has a top speed of 4.3 miles (7km) per second and has been designed to outfox anti-missile shield systems. 
Also highlighted are the nuclear weapons that have been lost by the America and Russia - many of which are still unaccounted for, having lost 11 and 40 respectively.
Several were being transported by planes which crashed, including an instance in North Carolina, when one bomb ended up in a tree and another lodged itself in the ground without exploding.
Four were dropped over Greenland, while another is still reportedly sat on the ocean floor off the coast of Georgia. 

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