dinsdag 11 oktober 2016

Corrupt Hillary Clinton and WikiLeaks

Alongside New Email Dump, WikiLeaks Releases E-Reader Version of Hillary Clinton’s Speeches 

Posted on Oct 10, 2016
By Lauren McCauley / Common Dreams

 John Podesta and Hillary Clinton in 2007. (Flickr / CC 2.0

WikiLeaks on Monday dropped its second tranche of the so-called Podesta Emails, laying bare what members of her own inner circle believed were the vulnerabilities of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, from her emails and ties to big money, to her scandal-laden husband and propensity for saying things that are “untrue.”

It is the second batch of documents obtained by the transparency group from the email account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. The first, released late Friday, contained excerpts of paid speeches the former secretary of state gave to Wall Street banks that were flagged by her aides for being potentially problematic for the presidential hopeful.

On Monday, WikiLeaks made those controversial snippets even more accessible by releasing download options for the 80-page document, which included Kindle, book reader, and pdf formats.

Promoting the release on social media, WikiLeaks highlighted portions of the 2,086 new emails.

: Hillary Clinton "says things that are untrue... often" ; "Trump" may be her only hope

Lanny Davis avised Clinton camp to quickly release her Wall St. speeches in Feb, 2016 "release later...is worse."
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Politico also has an ongoing live blog about the developments.
During the Sunday evening debate against Republican nominee Donald Trump, Clinton responded to a question about a line from one of her speeches—that politicians “need both a public and a private position”—which many took to be an admission of the emails’ authenticity, contradicting her campaign’s stated position.
WikiLeaks celebrated the gaffe by take a swipe at news outlets that questioned the reliability of the anti-secrecy site.

Editorial: Last night even Clinton confirmed our transcripts. No doubt media who spread disinfo will now do the right thing and apologise.

Digging in to speech excerpts, International Business Times senior editor David Sirota on Monday pointed out that Clinton frequently “touted her support for fracking,” confirming previous critiques from environmentalists and undermining her claims on the campaign trail that is an opponent of the toxic drilling practice.  
Sirota highlights an excerpt from an April 2013 speech to Deutsche Bank, during which Clinton reportedly said “Fracking was developed at the Department of Energy…I mean, the whole idea of how fracking came to be available in the marketplace is because of research done by our government. And I’ve promoted fracking in other places around the world.”
During another speech, in 2014, Clinton blamed “phony environmental groups… funded by the Russians” for sowing opposition to fracking and fossil fuel pipelines.
Editorial: Reporters should not let themselves be gamed by the Clinton campaign. There is no denial and we have a 100% record for accuracy.

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