maandag 23 mei 2016

The Land of the Free. Home of the Brave?

The 5-Minute Speech That Got Judge Napolitano Fired From Fox News

It was always a mystery to me how Judge Andrew Napolitano had a show on FOX news because the guy actually addresses important topics and frequently exposes the government.

This broadcast on his show, which is now cancelled, is widely believed to be the reason behind his  dismissal from Fox which took place just after this episode and when you watch it, and listen very carefully to it, you will understand why.

The following powerful 5 Minute Speech from Napolitano is one that should not only be forwarded and shared with every single American (or person on this planet), but taught in schools in analyzed and debated and studied. This is both a warning and also a call to rise up against the government!

You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Choice and Truth    

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3 opmerkingen:

Bauke Jan Douma zei


Ron zei

Great! En bekijk nu verachtelijke VPRO's 2doc BBC-'OBAMA-PR'-documentaire van gisteravond en zweer nooit meer naar de VPRO te kijken,er nooit meer iets mee te maken willen hebben...........

Ron zei

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