maandag 5 oktober 2015

Obama's Propaganda

Brilliant Explanation of US Foreign Policy and What Went Down at the UN

“Listening to Barack Hussein Obama’s speech at the United Nations was one of the most nauseating experiences I have ever had, and it ought to have been accompanied by a health warning”
“Rarely have I ever witnessed a more deluded individual manage to turn the world on its head, painting a picture of US foreign policy that is utterly divorced from the tragic reality”
  Sun, Oct 4 | 4,851  Comments

Possibly the worst President ever
This article originally appeared at the author's excellent blog

Imagine a kid at school. An intimidating kid he is, packing a lot of muscle, used to getting his own way, and with no scruples about bullying other kids that stand in his way.
His goal is to get everyone to acknowledge his authority and leadership over them, and he’s not afraid to use any number of tactics to make this happen.
Sometimes he humiliates them. Sometimes he arm-twists them. Sometimes he threatens to take their money. Sometimes he gets other kids to fight his battles for him, promising them all sorts of perks. Sometimes he even tortures some folks, if need be. And if he sees anyone standing in his way, he has no hesitation in demonising them, making up all sorts of stories up about them, turning some of the other kids against them, before going in with his gang to sort them out.
Cut to another scene and the same kid is standing up in front of the whole school giving a speech. He starts by talking of the need to solve disputes using diplomacy. He speaks about the need to stand up to what he calls “strongmen” in the school. He berates some of the bigger boys for asserting themselves in ways that contravene the rules of the school. He speaks about spreading peace and moving away from what he calls the “old ways of conflict and coercion”.
Warming to his theme he says that force alone cannot impose order, but he also mentions that of course he possesses massive force and will use it if necessary. He talks about the history of the school over the past few years, telling his audience about all the bad guys out there and what they’ve been up to. He’s careful not to mention his own part in it though, but he does manage to praise himself for the great job he’s been doing of keeping order.
He moves on to talk about the importance of respecting the rules and then singles out one of the other boys in particular for breaking them, and for being a big bad bully. He acknowledges his own part in the case of Libby, who he put on a life support machine, but only to say that it was necessary for something to be done about her. He then admits that we (notice the “we”) perhaps could have done more to help her rehabilitation, and that “we” will have to do more to help in the rehabilitation of those who get hospitalized in the future.
He finishes by lamenting the plight of all the poor and weak kids in the class, including some that he has hospitalized in the past, speaking about their dignity and how “we” should all work together for a brighter future. For those who swear unswerving loyalty, his speech is welcomed as putting all the trouble makers in the school in their place. Others sit there scratching their heads, wondering whether they are going mad or did they just hear the school bully paint himself as an angel of light bringing freedom and peace to the school?
A few minutes later, along comes another boy with a speech – the boy he accused of being a big bad bully – and in one sentence – “Do you realise what you have done?” – sticks a pin in the big fat hubris-filled balloon of the school’s chief bully and exporter of chaos.
Listening to Barack Hussein Obama’s speech at the United Nations was one of the most nauseating experiences I have ever had, and it ought to have been accompanied by a health warning. Rarely have I ever witnessed a more deluded individual manage to turn the world on its head, painting a picture of US foreign policy that is utterly divorced from the tragic reality. 
Yet, sad as that may have been, even more astonishing is the fact that events since then – which have moved at breakneck speed – have shown that the man has learnt not even an ounce of humility from the Emperor’s New Clothes treatment he got from Vladimir Putin. On the contrary he seems set on continuing in his ways.
With the agenda exposed like never before, and with their Middle East policy lying in ruins, you might have thought there’d be some sort of contrition and even radio silence from Washington and its global media outlets. Not a bit of it. No sooner had Russian planes got off the ground (perhaps even sooner), at the request of the Government of Syria, we were told that 33 civilians had been killed, including children, and that Russia was not targeting ISIS but the US-trained rebels.

I reserved judgement for a while. In these days of reckless propaganda, unverified claims and trial by social media, it is right to be cautious, especially when the alleged incident is so horrible. Nevertheless, my first thought was that it was mighty quick of the western media to tell us how many civilians and children died literally minutes after an airstrike in a warzone. All the more remarkable since they seem to have been unable to tell us this sort of thing when it has happened because of Saudi Arabia’s bombing campaign against Yemen.
But it didn’t take long for the claim to be shown to be false. A Tweet put out by the White Helmets organization, apparently showing a picture of a man carrying a dead child out of rubble after Russian airstrikes, turned out to be a fake, the picture having been taken several days prior to the Russian action.
What about the claim of Russia targeting US-backed “rebels” rather than ISIS targets? The first question that springs to mind is this: Since the US and its allies seem to be so clear about which targets the Russian planes have been hitting, and since they are so clear that they are not hitting the right targets, presumably they must have the military intelligence to know where the “right” targets actually are. In which case, what exactly have they been doing out there for the last year?
A couple of answers to that question spring to mind. Firstly, they’ve been violating the sovereignty of a nation that never gave them permission to be there. And I must say that the nausea generated by Barack Obama’s UN address is matched only by the nausea generated in the last year upon hearing these globalists, these neo-Trotskyite world revolutionaries, who despise the idea of national sovereignty, berating Russia over its alleged violations of sovereignty.
The other answer to the question of what they have been doing for the last year is not very much at all. Target practice in the desert maybe, but that’s about all. They certainly haven’t been tackling ISIS, for the simple reason that they need ISIS to serve their real purpose, which is the removal of the Syrian Government.
Their claim that Russia has been targeting “moderate” Syrian rebels is especially absurd. Less than a month ago, General Lloyd Austin, Commander of US Central Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that so far, the US had trained four or five “moderate” Syrian rebels to take on ISIS. You heard that right. Not four or five thousand. Not even four or five hundred. No, just four or five. Less than ten in other words. But apparently the Russians have now been targeting them. All four or five of them!
Or could it be that the “moderate” Syrian rebels that that the Russians have been targeting are the ones that were trained via a covert CIA programme since at least 2012? Very probably, but if so Russia’s actions have further exposed the diabolical US policy for what it really is, since most of these “moderates” are known to have ended up either in ISIS, or in groups like the al-Nusra Front (or al-Qaeda in Syria as they are also known).
So when Barack Obama said in his address that “we have demonstrated over more than a decade of relentless pursuit of al-Qaeda, we will not be outlasted by extremists”, would he care to explain how it is that days after he said this, we are now meant to be lamenting the fact that the Russians have apparently been targeting not just ISIS, but also groups like the al-Nusra Front, a.k.a. al-Qaeda in Syria? Our allies, huh? 
Back in the days of the Soviet Union, the most potent weapon the West had against the tyranny of communism was simply to tell the truth about it. No need to lie, though of course there was a lot of that going on too. The Soviet Union, by contrast, needed its Pravda to feed people with lies and distortions.
Today the boot is firmly on the other foot. The western complaint about Russian lies and propaganda utterly misses this simple point: the most potent weapon Russia has against the tyranny of US neo-Trotskyist globalism is not to lie about it, but to simply tell the truth about it.
This is why at the UN, Putin’s Pin was so successful in bursting Barack’s Balloon. He didn’t need to lie to make the point. Rather he simply told the truth about what they had done, and the effect was powerful.
Yet far from backing down, the West is now cranking up the lie machine to maximum volume. It won’t end well. Their lies are now finding them out, and there is only so much lying to cover up lying to cover up lying you can get away with before your whole narrative collapses in upon itself.
As for the foreign policy pursued by the United States and its allies for the past couple of decades, it has been weighed in the balances, and has been found wanting.

Geen opmerkingen:

Countdown to Liberation Kerry Burgess @KerryBurgess Is this the reason for the pager stunt in Lebanon? Great...