maandag 1 juli 2013

Zionist Terror 143

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Newsletter issue 105, June 2013
New Knesset, New Wave of Discriminatory Laws
In the four short months since the current Knesset came to power, MKs have proposed as many as 29 new discriminatory bills that attack the rights of Palestinians in Israel and the OPT.
The Prawer-Begin bill threatens to displace tens of thousands of Arab Bedouin citizens of Israel in the Naqab (Negev), dispossess them of their land, destroy dozens of their villages, and resolve outstanding land claims in the state’s favor.

The Contributors to the State bill gives preferential treatment to discharged soldiers in hiring, salaries, and other areas, classifying it as “non-discriminatory”. Meanwhile, the“Jenin, Jenin” bill allows Israeli soldiers to file class action lawsuits for defamation for criticism of their conduct during military operations. Our Discriminatory Laws Databasecontains a full list of discriminatory laws and bills in Israel.
Displacing Palestine: Israel's onslaught against the people and their land
Come to hear Professor Ilan Pappe give a public lecture organized by Adalah and Badil
3 July 2013, 7pm, at the Shepherd Hotel, Bethlehem
Children at Risk
This month, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child scathingly criticized Israel’s treatment of Palestinian children, including discrimination against Bedouin children in health and education, and mistreatment of detained and imprisoned children from the OPT.
At the same time, the Supreme Court dismissed Adalah’s case against child allowance cuts of unvaccinated children, effectively approving the state’s neglect of Arab Bedouin children. However, in a win for Bedouin children, the state finished constructing a safe crosswalk to the Al-Fura’ elementary school, eight years after Adalah filed the case.
26 June: International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
Adalah, PCATI and Physicians for Human Rights-Israelcalled on Israel to fully renounce torture this year, the 25th anniversary of the UN Convention Against Torture, and to commit to ending impunity for torturers. 
Israel does not effectively investigate Palestinian detainees’ complaints of torture and torturers are not held to account, as Irit Ballas and Sharon Weill explain. Israel’s criminal procedure law also denies Palestinian detainees’ access to courts, lawyers and family, leaving them vulnerable to torture.

Adalah and partners also called on the Israel Prison Service to improve the appalling conditions prisoners endure during transportation to hospital and court in Israel’s ‘posta’ vehicles, which endanger their health and lives.
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