maandag 1 juli 2013

The Totalitarian State 12

Obama en Putin hebben een gemeenschappelijke vijand:

FOCUS | Putin Says Snowden Should Stop Harming 'Our American Partners'
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (photo: Alexei Nikolsky/ AP)
Reuters reports: "President Vladimir Putin made starkly clear on Monday that Edward Snowden was not welcome in Russia, and voiced solidarity with the United States over the fugitive former U.S. spy agency contactor."

Assange: Publishing of Snowden Documents Can't Be Stopped
Deborah Charles, Reuters
Charles reports: "WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said on Sunday that Edward Snowden made sure that the information he took about U.S. surveillance programs will continue to be published regardless of what happens to the former U.S. spy agency contractor."

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Bernard Claeys: Koersk

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