'Secret US plan for military future in Iraq.
A confidential draft agreement covering the future of US forces in Iraq, passed to the Guardian, shows that provision is being made for an open-ended military presence in the country.
The draft strategic framework agreement between the US and Iraqi governments, dated March 7 and marked "secret" and "sensitive", is intended to replace the existing UN mandate and authorises the US to "conduct military operations in Iraq and to detain individuals when necessary for imperative reasons of security" without time limit.
The authorisation is described as "temporary" and the agreement says the US "does not desire permanent bases or a permanent military presence in Iraq". But the absence of a time limit or restrictions on the US and other coalition forces - including the British - in the country means it is likely to be strongly opposed in Iraq and the US.
Iraqi critics point out that the agreement contains no limits on numbers of US forces, the weapons they are able to deploy, their legal status or powers over Iraqi citizens, going far beyond long-term US security agreements with other countries. The agreement is intended to govern the status of the US military and other members of the multinational force.
Following recent clashes between Iraqi troops and Moqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi army in Basra, and threats by the Iraqi government to ban his supporters from regional elections in the autumn, anti-occupation Sadrists and Sunni parties are expected to mount strong opposition in parliament to the agreement, which the US wants to see finalised by the end of July. The UN mandate expires at the end of the year.'
Lees verder: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/apr/08/iraq.usa
3 opmerkingen:
Natuurlijk wisten mensen met enig historisch besef al voor de inval in Irak dat de Amerikanen daar nooit meer zouden weggaan.
Vraag maar eens bij het dichtsbijzijnde persbureau om foto's van Amerikaanse bases in Irak. Bij de oliebronnen die bewaakt moeten worden.
Die foto's zul je niet gauw krijgen.
Waarom niet? Omdat ze te kolossaal zijn. Dingen die je alleen bouwt als je er decennialang gaat blijven. Versterkte, enorme betonnen steden in de woestijn.
Voor wie het niet gelooft, het staat een ieder vrij het zelf te checken.
Het ergste van de berichtgeving vind ik nog dat de krant je aanspreekt alsof je de een of andere debiel bent.
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