maandag 19 februari 2007

Iran 120

'Impeach George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to Stop the Guns of August, an attack on Iran
Audio Interview With Prof. Francis A. Boyle

It was the Chicago Straussian cabal of pro-Israeli Neo-cons who set up a separate “intelligence” unit within the Pentagon that was responsible for manufacturing many of the bald-faced lies, deceptions, half-truths, and outright propaganda that the Bush Jr. administration then disseminated to the lap-dog U.S. news media in order to generate public support for a war of aggression against Iraq for the benefit of Israel and in order to steal Iraq’s oil. Francis A. Boyle
Broadcast - 01/31/07 - TalkNation - Audio Runtime 29 Minutes

Impeach George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to prevent Wider War in the Middle East and Bring U.S. Forces Home from Iraq
Welcome to Talk Nation Radio, a half hour discussion on politics, human rights and the environment, I’m Dori Smith. According to a Newsweek poll more than half the country, 58%, now say they wish the Bush presidency were simply over. Much of the reason for their dismay is the war in Iraq. Yet, leading Democrats have been resisting calls from peace groups and progressive Democrats to issue a resolution to impeach Bush and Cheney.
Professor Francis A. Boyle joins us for the half hour. He is a leading American professor, practitioner and advocate of international law and exactly four years ago on January 17th his draft impeachment resolution against George W. Bush appeared in Counterpunch.
Professor Boyle’s latest piece on impeaching the President and Vice President is dated January 20th 2007. His title is, ‘Immediate Impeachment: Preventing the Guns of August in Eurasia.’ You can find it online at
Prior to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 the White House failed to heed warnings from military and intelligence analysts about possible repercussions from the violent overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Now it seems the U.S. is again failing to heed warnings about the potential risks of an attack on Iran. I asked Professor Boyle his view on why the present administration ignores such warnings:
Professor Francis A. Boyle: Well you have to understand the Neo-conservative mentality. I went to the University of Chicago with these people, (Paul) Wolfowitz and all the rest of them, and I went through the same program, the Department of Political Science run by the Neocon founder Leo Strauss. His mentor in Germany before he came to the United States was Karl Schmidt who went on to become the most notorious Nazi law professor of that benighted era who tried to justify in legal terms every hideous atrocity the Nazis inflicted on anyone.'


'John Pilger Interview

Filmmaker John Pilger talks with Flashpoints about the US' war planning against Iran, the war in Iraq, the genocide in Palestine, and the current state of journalism.
Broadcast - 02/14/07 - Flashpoints - Audio Runtime 41 Minutes'


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