vrijdag 13 januari 2006

Iran 6

Dit is een nucleaire installatie nabij de Iraanse stad Isfahan. Voordat we ons militair nog meer gaan bemoeien met het Midden Oosten is het belangrijk de altijd goed geinformeerde Amerikaanse onderzoeksjournalist Richard Dreyfuss te lezen: 'The Bush Who Cried Wolf. Under normal circumstances—that is, under any previous U.S. administration—the battle over Iran’s pugnacious effort in pursuit of nuclear technology would be amenable to a diplomatic solution. But, by insisting on a national security strategy of pre-emptive war, by illegally and unilaterally invading Iraq on false pretenses, and by hinting that the White House would tolerate an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear plants, President Bush and Vice President Cheney have made a successful diplomatic resolution of the Iran crisis nearly impossible. Speaking yesterday at the Council for National Policy, Larry Wilkerson—the former top aide to Secretary of State Colin Powell who caused a stir last fall when he accused Cheney and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld of operating a “cabal” —said that it is likely that Pentagon officials are polishing contingency plans for a strike against Iran. Iran, said Wilkerson, is the “principal winner” from the war in Iraq. As a result of the power of the Shiite religious forces in Iraq, he said, the Iranians “own the south” of Iraq. Wilkerson insisted that the United States ought to “talk to the people who really matter in Iran”—i.e., to the ayatollahs. But he said that U.S. policy has failed so utterly that the door to negotiations with Iran is virtually closed. “When you close the door to diplomacy, you have no other option but to rely on military power,” he said. “I hope to hell we don’t have to use it.”' Lees verder: http://www.tompaine.com/articles/20060112/the_bush_who_cried_wolf.php Of: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/011206D.shtml En zijn eigen site: http://www.robertdreyfuss.com/

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