Dit zijn slachtoffertjes van een Amerikaans napalm bombardement op Vietnam. In 1973 onthulde de Australische journalist John Pilger dat 'Americans were still fighting' in Vietnam 'even though they were supposed to have pulled out following the Paris Peace Agreement in January of that year and President Nixon's announcement of "peace with honour". "They had sent in private contractors who were really military in civilian dress,"explained Pilger. "Companies were contracted by the defence department to hire so called retired American officers to do exactly what US officers were doing when they weren't retired. It made a mockery of the Paris Agreement. Moreover, with this ghost army in place, the Americans intensified the bombing. More Vietnamese civilians were killed in those three years to 1975 than in all the years back to 1965.' Meer dan 30 jaar later voltrekt zich dezelfde militaire strategie in Irak. Niet alleen worden er nu ook 'private contractors' ingezet, particuliere huurlingen, maar aangezien de Amerikanen de grondoorlog in feite hebben verloren, nemen ook de luchtbombardementen op de burgerbevolking toe en daarmee de zogeheten 'colateral damage,' zoals International Clearing House laat zien. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article11480.htm Voor meer informatie over Irakese burger slachtoffers zie ook: http://stanvanhoucke.blogspot.com/2006/01/collateral-damage.html
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