donderdag 29 augustus 2024

There is Nowhere To Go.

Pierre Soulages
Peinture 181 x 142.5 cm, 19 mai 2010, 2010

The Western elites and its Deep State want a war with Asia to regain the markets, nowadays for an considerable degree in the hands of Asian countries, and at the same time to get a grip on the raw materials, of which 70 percent is situated in Asia. In this way the West has been loosing its centuries old hegemony. The American and EU elites are willing to start a Third World War to prevent that all its power it gained, will end in the foreseeable future thanks to an excess of violence from the beginning of the fifteenth century onward, and culminating in  Auschwitz and Hiroshima, the products of the so called 'white man's burden.' That the West has still no morals is shown by the simple fact that it now supports the Jewish genocide of the Palestinian People, who function for the zionist fascists as the current 'Untermenschen.' We can state without exaggeration that nowadays the zionist jews and their sympathizers are just as mentally ill as the German nazi's who exterminated the Jews. 

And here I sit, three quarters of a century after my parents, who were both warhero's, put me and my sister on the world, hoping, even expecting that after the war 'it would get better all the time.' But also this illusion is after the horrendous destruction of World War II gone with the wind. The NATO has provoked a war in Ukraine, and supports the Jewish Genocide in Gaza, and now also on the West Bank. Why Gaza? Because it has gas- and oilfields, which Israel stole from the Palestinians, and the white people need this for their wealth and power. In the meantime the western sycophants in the bureaucracy, diplomacy, and economy act as if genocide is an acceptable phenomenon, and international law does not exist. It is this which makes me sick, the fact that full-grown men and women pretend that nothing strange is happening, and just carry on supporting mass scale extermination as a normal state of affaires. What after the war used to be totally strange is now presented as normal. Chris Hedges explained it in this respect:

Most people have no concept of how fragile the environment is. There is a kind of emotional incapacity to understand a collapse, even when it is facing you. The nature of illusion is that it is designed, at least for the moment, to make you feel good about yourself, about your country, about where you are going. In that sense it functions like a drug. And those who question the illusions are challenged not so much for the veracity of what they say, but for puncturing these feelings. 

An attempt to get up and question where we are going and who we are, and immediately the critique will be that you are such a pessimist, such a cynic, that you are not an optimist. Optimism becomes a kind of disease, what created the financial meltdown (in 2008. svh), where you have this kind of cheerful optimism in the face of utter catastrophe, and you plow forward, based on an optimism which is no longer rooted in reality. 

If hope becomes something you express through illusion, it is not hope, it is phantasy. The cult of the self is, in biblical terms, a form of adulteryeverything is about you, whether it is the worship of power, money, it all goes back to the self, it is all creating little monuments to yourself, it all is investment into a particular goal of self-aggrandizement. 

And so, I keep sitting on my mountain in The Middle of Italy. Where should I go, now everything collapses? There is no more escape. 

Next time more. If you want to react, please be my guest.


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