woensdag 11 december 2019

Nancy Pelosi Knew Bush Lied About Iraq

Nancy Pelosi Knew Bush Lied About Iraq

More than half a million Iraqis died during the Iraq War. So did nearly 5,000 American troops. The war strengthened the radical extremism it was supposed to fight while costing American taxpayers more than $2.4 trillion, much of which went to defense contractors like then-Vice President Dick Cheney’s former company Halliburton. And George W. Bush started the war based on the lie that Saddam Hussein was sitting on an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction.
But Nancy Pelosi doesn’t think that was impeachable.

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

Deze vrouw, Pelosi, gelooft niet in haar eigen woorden terwijl ze ze uitspreekt. Het hakkelt en stamelt. Een psychisch wrak. Bijna sneu ... als ze niet zo enorm corrupt was. Wat ze daar zegt is simpelweg GELUL!

The collective West is the great evil of our time.

  https://twitter.com/s_m_marandi/status/1786792261696590074 Nieuwe posts bekijken Gespre The collective West is the great evil of our time....