woensdag 2 januari 2019

Israel's Terror Weapons

  • Jeff Halper: “I open my book "War Against the People" with the question: How does Israel get away with it? Well, here is a textbook answer: by supplying the technologies of repression gained over almost a century of war against the Palestinian people to the "security needs" of any country Israel bribes to support it. Its support of abysmal dictatorships is well known, from South Africa's apartheid regime, the Contras and the genocidal regime in Guatemala to 
    • the warlords of that continent (25% of Israeli arms exports are to sub-Saharan Africa) 
    • the generals' regime in Myanmar (where Israel is the only country violating an international arms boycott) 
    • the murderous Duerte regime of the Philippines (who recently came to Israel looking for arms for his security forces) 
    • the ultra-nationalists Modi in India (one of Israel's major arms clients and the largest importer of arms in the world), Hungary’s Orban and Poland’s Morawiecki (both of whose anti-Semitic regimes deny their country’s roles in the Holocaust but are allied politically with Netanyahu and receive military and security aid -- the latter against the “threat” of immigrants), and 
    • China's and Khazakstan's totalitarian surveillance and “social sorting” programs, in league with Israeli surveillance companies.
    Israel’s strength is providing the world’s most repressive regimes with those technologies of control – military, domestic security and national or local police, all integrated – they need to retain power and suppress democratic revolt (as in supplying crowd-control equipment to Mubarak’s regime during the Arab Spring or telephone eavesdropping equipment to Saudi Arabia enabling it to capture Khasshoggi). 
    And in terms of the Big Boys? Trump’s US, Italy’s fascist government (with whom it is developing nano-weapons), NATO, multinational corporations like Boeing? With them it develops its sophisticated security technologies, perfected in Gaza and the West Bank, so that global neoliberal policies can be enforced against anyone who would resist.
    So drones with facial recognition capabilities sold to the police forces of a regime, Bolsonaro’s, that has declared that 30,000 people must be killed to bring stability to Brazil, simply falls into the category I call Global Palestine: extending Israel’s tactics, weaponry and technologies of repression globally. Don’t make the mistake of thinking Israel’s war against the Palestinian people is a merely local one. As the security forces of your country are being “israelized,” you and your fellow citizens are being “palestinianized.” The Occupation is global.”

1 opmerking:

Sjuul van Dissel zei

Ik had graag de originele link gedeeld maar dat gaat niet, fb houdt voor Jaap hamburger in 2017 op? Werd wel graag fb-vriend met hem maar heb een strikt beleid daarin die alleen familie toelaat.

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