Rose McGowan says feminist lawyer Lisa Bloom offered her $6M to back off of Weinstein claims
Rose McGowan: Lisa Bloom, “The scarlet letter is yours, and it’s S is for SHAME.”

Rose McGowan claims that feminist champion lawyer Lisa Bloom, a former attorney of Harvey Weinstein’s, offered her $6 million to publicly come out and endorse the the hollywood sexual predator, who allegedly raped McGowan years ago.
According to The Gateway Pundit, in a statement on her Facebook page, McGowan stated that celebrity lawyer Lisa Bloom approached McGowan’s literary agent about getting McGown to publicly support sexual criminal Harvey Weinstein.
‘You know what is truth, Lisa? I feel like people should know that you’ve been calling my literary agent and saying there’d be money for me if I got on the “Harvey’s Changed” bandwagon?’ the actor wrote.‘You told her that I should care about HIS reputation. How HE has a family now and how HE has changed. Well, guess what? I’ve always had a family and that didn’t stop him from assaulting me.’
LA swamp “feminist” attorney, Lisa Bloom, denies reaching out to McGowan’s literary agent, stating that she doesn’t even know who her agent is. She states that she never threatened McGowan and never offered her money.
Via The Gateway Pundit…
Bloom was working for Weinstein as his representation before resigning following the scandal. McGowan claims she was raped by Weinstein during the 1997 Sundance Film Festival, and has stated that she did not sign a non-disclosure agreement after she reached a settlement.
Here is Rose McGowan’s full post on Facebook… IMMEDIATE RELEASE:Lisa Bloom.
Lisa Bloom.Your very name makes my stomach clench with a stressed tightness that takes my breath away. As does your mercenary act of depravity. Did you think of how it would affect victims to see you champion a rapist? How it felt to those you once “fought for,” for them to know that you used them. You remember them right? They were the victims of assaults, women you’d previously helped. You lied to those hurt women and hid your true character. You wanted a shortcut to fame. You sold your book to be made into a mini-series, where you’d be the next Erin Brokovich, right?But your avarice has taken you down. And I am glad.You cannot spin your gaslighting web on us, the public, and have it remove TRUTH.You know what is truth, Lisa? I feel like people should know that you’ve been calling my literary agent and saying there’d be money for me if I got on the ‘Harvey’s Changed’ bandwagon? You told her that I should care about HIS reputation. How HE has a family now and HE has changed. Well, guess what? I’ve always had a family and that didn’t stop him from assaulting me.This is the lie you rode in on, Lisa Bloom. You are done. We see you for who and what you are. You are a snake that sold out other women who are purer than you can ever hope to be.Your ‘colossal mistake’ was adding to the trauma of all those you’ve represented by conspiring against me.I know a con when I see one, after all, I grew up in Hollywood. I can see you a mile away, and you smell like rot.I have a quadruple PhD in your brand of bullshit, Lisa Bloom, so I’m not buying.You and your vile partner in evil, your co-counsel, Charles Harder, have been hounding me for months now. Terrorizing me at every turn. Trying to silence me.You know what I just got, Lisa? I, a single female activist/artist in her 40s, just received a $24,000 bill from my attorney because of you. My side was telling me to settle and take the Swine’s money. Charles Harder was the nasty heavy to your silvery tongue of faux-concern. I even had to pay for my attorney to have breakfast with Charles Harder so I could find out what you two pigs were going to do to me IF I TELL THE TRUTH. Let me repeat, I now have to pay for two incredibly wealthy men 24k for haggling over my deepest pain. I have to pay for two men to have coffee and croissants at a fancy restaurant to discuss my ASSAULT and what would happen to me if I DIDN’T SHUT UP FOREVER.I, the victim, now owe $24,000 because of the cancer THAT IS YOU.In the last 6 months, I was pressured over and over by my attorney to TAKE THE SETTLEMENT and be SILENCED. I hemmed and hawed, and drove up my price tag all the while engaging heavily with the NYT and Ronan Farrow. I gave them my deal, the document of truth.The night before the NEW YORK TIMES exposé came out, I was being pushed hard to settle. I was offered one million dollars. No way. I then drove it to 6 million. I was warring with thoughts about being able to take care of my aunt, Mom and family vs my integrity.But no. I could not. I walked away from a potential six million dollars. I will not be purchased. I will not be sold. Never again.When I was 23 I was hurt by the Swine. I have had a 350 lbs monster stuck to me for twenty years. Guess what, Lisa? Now he’s all yours. It’s your obituary his name will be in, not mine.A little background, when I was hurt by the Monster, my then lawyer was someone named David Feldman and he is the one who came at me with the $100,000 offer. He was just trying to curry favor from the Swine, Lisa, just like you. Feldman approached me to do the buy off. It would never have occurred to me to ask for money. Truly.The “payout,” came after I asked my then powerful managers for help getting me justice. I pleaded for help from them, my lawyer and agent. They said they’d help me. I was set up on a special meeting in their fancy conference room with the long cherrywood table. They said don’t go to the police, we need you to consult with someone first. A meeting took place between me and a bull framed criminal attorney, a women, who seemed to delight trthat since I had done a sex scene in a movie, I would never win. I now suspect she was an actor hired to bully me. But I also knew she was right. Society was so shaming of me since the day I grew breasts. And so I began hatching a long range plan. A battle plan.So I took the 100k. Two reasons. 1) it was my only way of telling the SWINE I was not willing to play along. He went ballistic. I knew I wouldn’t be working for years because he’d see to that. 2) Disgusting Hollywood people gave me hardcore PTSD and I needed out. I’m sure you’ve had your other clients tell you about their PTSD, right Lisa? I need therapy.The attack left me with night terrors. I’d sweat through the sheets and the mattress, my hair matted, my heart racing. Lisa, that is how I spent my night for years. I was so tortured I knew I’d be plagued for years to come, I’d be needing deep therapy. I knew because of my uncontrollable crying and shaking. I knew because my mind was fracturing. I had been a whole person, now I was left with the job of putting myself back together while jackals like you drank champagne and sneered and participated in the illusion of power.Well, fuck you and all of your pig kind, Lisa Bloom.Guess what real power is?
The truth.I never signed an NDA. Back then I refused. I’ve told scores of people the truth. And the open secret in Hollywood and mainstream media laid shame at my door.Lisa Bloom, I had to play the trickiest game of my life because your threats were all about trying to silence me NOW.You don’t get a mea culpa do over. We don’t trust you. We don’t like you. We see you.The scarlet letter is yours, and it’s S is for SHAME.Lisa Bloom.
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