maandag 17 juli 2017

Hebrew University professor: Every 'settler' is a terrorist

Hebrew University professor: Every 'settler' is a terrorist

'By definition, every settler is a terrorist', says Dr. Amiram Goldblum in Facebook post libeling former Yesha Council leader.

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David Rosenberg,   | updated: 10:26

Professor Amiram Goldblum
Professor Amiram Goldblum

A professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem has declared that all Jews living in Judea and Samaria are terrorists, and accused Israel of being an apartheid state.
Amiram Goldblum, a researcher and lecturer in the university’s medicinal chemistry department, blasted Jews living in Judea and Samaria, writing in a Facebook post Friday that by the very fact of their residence in the heart of the historic Jewish homeland, any Israeli living beyond the pre-1967 border is a “terrorist”.
“By definition, every settler is a terrorist,” wrote Goldblum.
The professor also took aim at a former Yesha (Judea and Samaria) Council leader, Shlomo Filber, who previously headed the Communications Ministry, smearing him as a “terrorist, a liar, and a scoundrel”.
“As someone who was a settler and Director-General of the Yesha Council, he was responsible for crimes against humanity, [and is linked] directly to crimes against the Palestinian people and should thus be put on trial by the international court at The Hague.”
“Israel needs to start to cleanse itself from filthy creatures like Shlomo Filber and his ilk.”
Filber has been accused of leaking documents to the Bezeq telecommunications company during his tenure as Communications Ministry Director-General.
Last week’s online rant was not Goldblum’s first foray into political controversy. Earlier this year, Goldblum slammed anti-assimilation activist Benzi Gopstein as a “neo-Nazi”.
Goldblum’s Facebook page includes a map of the State of Israel, with the words “Apartheid West Bank under Israeli control”.
In 2015, Goldblum compared the creator of a viral video criticizing far-left NGOs with Julius Streicher, founder and publisher of the rabidly anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi Der Sturmer.
"But there appears to be a connection nonetheless, not genetic, of course," wrote Goldblum. "They are both particularly rotten apples on the human tree, both are despicable inciters, both serve fascist organizations and individuals. There is a small difference: Streicher did it out of ideology; Klughaft combines ideology and a prostitute's fee.”
"I do not know if Klughaft traveled in order to study Streicher's methods in the vilest newspaper ever published in human history. But there is no doubt that he is advancing in the direction. Maybe Streicher appears in Klughaft's dreams?"
In the past, Goldblum served as a spokesman for the radical left-wing Peace Now organization, is a board member of the New Israel Fund. In 2013, Goldblum ran for the Knesset with the far-left Meretz party.
Last month, another Hebrew University professor drew criticism after he likened Israel to Nazi Germany.
Ofer Cassif, a member of the Hebrew University’s political science department, warned that Israel is “on a slippery slope to fascism”.
"There's not really much to argue about here," added Cassif. “I'm sure that if we were sitting... in the University of Freiburg in 1933, and there would be a professor who would dare to speak like I did, there, too, some of the students would say 'Well, that's your opinion'. Guys, no, it’s not. Just because something is hard for us to hear doesn't make it opinion."

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