Kremlin says Russia ready to provide all information for MH17 crash probe
August 31, 14:46 UTC+3
The Kremlin regrets other countries possessing important data are not acting in the same way
The Kremlin regrets other countries possessing important data are not acting in the same way

AP Photo/Peter Dejong
VLADIVOSTOK, August 31. /TASS/. The Russian side is ready to provide all necessary information for probing the crash of the Malaysian Boeing airliner over Ukraine in 2014 and regrets that other countries possessing important data are not acting in this way, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday.
The Kremlin spokesman thus commented on an appeal by the relatives of the MH17 crash victims to EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Common Security Policy Federica Mogherini with a request to influence Russia, Ukraine and the United States on this issue.
"Russia has consistently spoken for and continues speaking for very close interaction during the investigation," Peskov said.
"Russia has numerously stated that it will transfer all the necessary data and expressed its regret that some sides, including those mentioned by you, did not follow this principle," the Kremlin spokesman replied to the journalist who had asked the question.
The Dutch Television and Radio Broadcasting Corporation reported on Wednesday that the relatives of the MH17 crash victims had turned to EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Common Security Policy Federica Mogherini with a request to provide assistance in the probe.
In their letter, the crash victims’ relatives claim that Russia, Ukraine and the United States still have not provided "all information pertaining to the matter" and are requesting Mogherini to exert pressure on the sides so that they send, in particular, the radar data and satellite images.
The Malaysia Airlines Boeing-777 passenger airliner on a flight from the Dutch city of Amsterdam to the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur crashed in the area of hostilities between local militias and Ukrainian governmental troops in east Ukraine’s Donetsk region in July 2014. All 298 people aboard the airliner died in the air crash.
Most of the air crash’s victims were Dutch nationals.
3 opmerkingen:
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Dat klinkt inderdaad uiterst subversief of in elk geval voldoende gevaarlijk om de mensenrechten van deze individuen in te perken nietwaar? Misschien kan Netanyahoo een leuke cartoon produceren, vanuit z'n gated community om iets uit te leggen. Boodschappen verpakken in plaatjes doet hij immers zo graag en die doen het vooral erg goed bij mensen die niet kunnen lezen of daar te lui voor zijn.
Kortom, dit is allemaal geen uiting van apartheid zeker, geen geïnstitutionaliseerd pesten en geen discrimeren, of etnisch profileren zeker. Van die kleine dingetjes met grote gevolgen voor hen die er niet toe doen. Wiens bestaan bestreden dient te worden of op z'n minst bemoeilijkt... Dat het onopgemerkt moge blijven, NOT!
Shit de url vd eerste link vergeten in te voeren
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