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Het volgende is een van de vele reacties op TruthDig, waar dit artikel verscheen (zie
Brad Benson • 7 days ago
One would think that a site that calls itself “Truthdig” just might “dig” into the backgrounds of some of the alleged “foreign policy experts” that signed this letter. The list of signatories is a virtual rogue’s gallery of war criminals, torturers and bureaucratic murderers, past and present! The names practically jump off the list.
Instead, the article begins with a flippant comment about Trump and then just regurgitates the attacks as if the originators have all the credibility of Mother Theresa. So that leaves it to us, the readers, to do a little truth-digging on some of these “experts” and thus provide some balance.
Beginning with only the second name on the list, we find John B. Bellinger III, who is listed in “World Can’t Wait’s” War Criminals Watch Website…
…for the following crimes:
War crime charge(s):
• Complicity in the commission of a war crime – torture, ill-treatment of detainees.
• Justified extended detentions in Guantanamo and transfer of prisoners to other countries (rendition).
• Crime against peace – planning and carrying out a war of aggression.
• Played key role in convincing British legal authorities of legality of 2003 invasion of Iraq.
But wait! Moving down the list, we find a few more signatories to this letter whose names also adorn the War Criminals Watch Website. There’s good old Michael Chertoff, now head of the Chertoff Group, which makes tons of money on National Security Issues and War. Here’s Chertoff’s rap sheet.
War crime charge(s):
• Complicity in the commission of a war crime – torture, ill-treatment of detainees.
• Violated legal standards for protections and rights of domestic detainees, including approximately 750 Muslim and Arab men rounded up and held without charges for up to 3 months, in the name of the war on terror.1
• Co-author of the USA Patriot Act.
• Helped draft secret 2002 memo describing interrogation methods allowed to CIA interrogators against detainees, including waterboarding.
There’s the name of the smiling torturer, General Michael V. Hayden. Here’s his rap sheet.
War crime charge(s):
• Complicity in the commission of a war crime – torture, ill-treatment of detainees.
• Condoned torture and extraordinary rendition.
• Misled Congress.
• Destroyed evidence (tapes showing interrogations).
• Oversaw warrantless wiretap program.
And here’s John Negroponte--a real blast from the past! This guy has been murdering people all the way back to Vietnam and later in Central America under Ronald Reagan. Unfortunately, in this case, the War Criminal Watch Site does not do a “Hall of Famer” like Negroponte justice. Here’s their list.
War crime charge(s):
• Crime against peace – planning and carrying out a war of aggression.
• Steered resolution through UN Security Council that Iraq must disarm.
• Complicity in the commission of a war crime--torture, ill-treatment of detainees.
Here’s his complete history.
These are just four of the 50. A review of the records of most of the rest of these people would reveal former members of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC); board members of major defense contractors; Israel-First Fifth Columnists and numerous other armchair warriors who have found a way to make lots of money from death and destruction.
In fact, speaking of armchair warriors, this isn’t even the first time that some of these same people have signed a letter against Trump. A previous letter was signed by more than a hundred of these creeps and appeared on a site which called itself “War on the Rocks”. How quaint!
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