dinsdag 29 september 2015

Kajsa Ollongren van D'66 (11)


UK Government: 700 Israeli Attacks on Gaza since 2014 Ceasefire

In-depth Report: 

  27  2 

Mideast Israel Gaza War Report
Israel has opened fire on the Gaza Strip on “at least 696 occasions” since the August 2014 ceasefire, the UK government has told Parliament.
These incidents are in addition to 29 strikes on Gaza conducted in response to rocket fire.
The figures were provided by Tobias Ellwood, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, citing UN agency figures, and in response to a question by Labour MP Alex Cunningham.
Tobias Ellwood, UK Conservative Party politician
Tobias Ellwood, UK Conservative Party politician
On September 4, Cunningham asked “how many times the Israeli military have opened fire into Gaza since August 2014; and what steps his Department is taking to prevent future such incidents.”
Answering a week later, Ellwood stated.
We are aware of Israeli forces responding to illegal rocket fire from Gaza with 29 strikes since the 26 August 2014 Gaza ceasefire agreement. According to figures from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Israeli forces have opened fire into the Gaza Access Restricted Areas on land and sea on at least 696 occasions since then.
He added that British officials in Tel Aviv have “raised our concerns over the Israel Defence Force’s use of live fire in Gaza with the Israeli Government. We are continuing to urge the parties to prioritise progress towards reaching a durable solution for Gaza.”
As described by Middle East Monitor here, Israeli forces’ attacks on the Gaza Strip are routine, targeting farmers, fishermen, and unarmed civilian protesters. Israel’s unilateral imposition of a ‘no go’ buffer zone by the border fence and at sea is an important part of the ongoing blockade.
Earlier this month, the Al Mezan Center for Human Rights said it had documented 82 incidents by land in 2015 to date, in addition to 88 incidents of Israeli forces opening fire on fishermen. These attacks have killed 2 and injured 54.
On September 17, Israeli forces permitted Palestinian farmers to access their land close to the border fence “for the first time in 15 years.” It remains to be seen how this works out in practice; on September 21, Israeli forces crossed the fence again and bulldozed agricultural land.

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

"The expected appointment of Shin Bet deputy director “R.” – whose full name will be soon published – as commissioner of police is another step in the changes that Israeli society and its elites are undergoing.

Like his boss at the domestic intelligence agency, Yoram Cohen, R. wears a kippa, and until three years ago he lived in a settlement in the West Bank, when he moved to a city not far from Tel Aviv.

Both Cohen and R. are products of the national-religious community, which is mostly represented by the right-wing Bayit Yehudi Party. Another product of this community, National Security Council head Yossi Cohen, will most probably soon be nominated to lead the Mossad. Yossi Cohen, however, stopped covering his head long ago.

Thus Israel’s three leading security agencies will be commanded by men from the same background. Left-wingers and liberals are worried about the trend and refuse to accept the changes taking place in Israeli society.

One of its most salient manifestations is the readiness of young graduates of the national-religious education system and youth movements to volunteer for public service in the security organizations – the IDF, Shin Bet and, though to a lesser degree, in the Mossad and police.

In this respect, they are pioneers exactly as the sons of the kibbutz movement were when Labor and its left-wing partners ruled Israel for its first 20 years. But those who know Yoram Cohen or R., including their secular colleagues in the agency, know very well that these concerns are baseless."

Lees meer: Analysis: New top cop reflects rise of religious Zionism in Israeli society - Jerusalem Post

Tijd voor D'66 in Amsterdam om de banden aan te halen met Tel Aviv dus? Of eerder, 'n tijd om voor eens en altijd (structureel) vooral ernst te maken met de operationele zuivering van ongewenste 'unmenschen', de autochtone bevolking, door strategisch geplaatste, hoog opgeleide - daar hebben ze recht op, op onderwijs op hoog niveau - ordebewakers, settlers, in vooruitgeschoven, pionnen?

Gaat Kajsa Ollongren de aanvoerdersband (hoog ordelijk aangebracht op de rechter boven-arm) dragen?
Vragen, vragen en stilzwijgen. Het oorverdovende bombardement van verstomming in de massamedia helpt.

Dat u het weet! Voorzover u het nog niet kon weten, omdat stilzwijgen overheerst!
De kracht van de onverschillig heids bevordering door het ministerie van racisme en white washing moet hier het verschil gaan maken..
Of u er alles aan doet, dat zal de geschiedenis leren. En of uw kinderen, als u ze hebt, daar blij mee zijn. Maar vlak ons, de andere tandenknarsende toeschouwers van deze tragedie van 'De Oneindige Oorlog' niet uit. Wanneer eenmaal de ogen open zijn gegaan, gaan ze werkelijk niet zo gemakkelijk meer dicht. Dat is goed, al was het alleen maar omdat men daardoor meer horizon ziet. De journalist Stan van Houcke, die zie zich al decennia in deze materie verdiept, kan u daarbij helpen. Doet u daar uw voordeel mee? Of ging het daar niet om zal de geschiedenis eveneens uitwijzen. Een goed paard rent op de schaduw van de zweep (uitspraak toegeschreven aan 'n oude zen leraar uit Japan).

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