Wie is deze Israelische minister van Defensie die minister van Defensie Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert tijdens haar bezoek aan Israel deze week ontmoette? De reden van haar bezoek was volgens de Rijksoverheid: 'Doel is het markeren van de goede betrekkingen met Israël op het gebied van Defensie. Hennis arriveerde gisteren.
Vanmorgen sprak zij met haar ambtgenoot minister Moshe Ya’alon over de lopende militaire samenwerking.
Beide Defensieministers ondertekenden een verklaring dat zij streven naar afspraken over de status van ingezette militairen en over uitvoeringsaspecten, zoals de financiën.'
Welnu deze Moshe Ya'alon is een politicus met
extremistische opvattingen:
extremistische opvattingen:
Ya'alon's public pronouncements have often been controversial.
Palestinian threat as 'cancer'
On 27 August 2002, he told the Haaretz newspaper: "The Palestinian threat harbors cancer-like attributes that have to be severed. There are all kinds of solutions to cancer. Some say it's necessary to amputate organs but at the moment I am applying chemotherapy."[12] In January 2004, he publicly stated that the thirteen Sayeret Matkal soldiers who refused to serve in the Israeli-occupied territories were taking the unit's name in vain.
On the need to confront Iran
In January 2008, during a discussion at IDC Herzliya, Ya'alon said "There is no way to stabilize the situation all over the world and especially in the Middle East without confronting Iran."[13] According to The Sydney Morning Herald Ya'alon said: "We have to confront the Iranian revolution immediately. There is no way to stabilize the Middle East today without defeating the Iranian regime. The Iranian nuclear program must be stopped."
When asked whether "all options" included a military deposition of Ahmadinejad and the rest of Iran's current leadership, Ya'alon told The Herald: "We have to consider killing him. All options must be considered."[14]
The Peace Now/'virus' incident[edit]
In August 2009, Ya'alon visited the ruins of Homesh,[15] a settlement that was evacuated in Israel's unilateral disengagement plan in 2005 and toured Israeli settlements in the north of the West Bank, considered as un-authorized outposts. He said that these communities are all legitimate and should not be called "illegal."[16] In addition, he participated in a convention of Manhigut Yehudit ("Jewish Leadership"), the more right-wing Settlers' segment within theLikud right-wing Party, in which he condemned the disengagement plan, called Peace Now a "virus"[17][18] and said that "We become accustomed to Arabs being permitted to live everywhere, in the Negev, Galilee, Nablus, Jenin, and [on the other hand] there are areas where Jews are not allowed to live. We caused this." He also stated that, "regarding the issue of the settlements, in my opinion Jews can and should live everywhere in the Land of Israel. Now, ... first of all, every settlement needs to get the approval of the authorities, and what goes up on the spot, in contradiction to these decisions and so on is not legitimate. It's against the law".[18]
1 opmerking:
Wat ik erg vond om te lezen was dat onze Commandotroepen trainen in Israël. Hier las ik dat ze daarbij ook de nodige zionistische 'voorlichting' krijgen.
En over het bezoek van de minister: "Ook is er uitwisseling van kennis: over technische aspecten van op afstand bestuurbare vliegtuigen" Dat zijn dus drones. Op die manier werkt Nederland mee aan de buitengerechtelijke executies van Israël.
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