woensdag 5 juni 2013

Obama's Crimes 23

The Dollar  
Wednesday,June 05, 2013
Obama Warfare
[Editor's Note: The following post is by TDV Managing Editor, Redmond Weissenberger]
Amid varying scandals in late May, President Obama gave a speech on foreign policy at the National Defense University (it's a dismaying sign when a university is dedicated to teaching the art of global war) highlighting his administration's goals when it comes to international conduct. Among flashing cameras and his handy teleprompter, Obama stressed the War on Terror will "come to an end at some point". He finally acknowledged his administration is responsible for the murder of four American citizens without due process - one of which was a sixteen year-old who committed no crime other than having a radicalized father. To top it off, the President assured the public he was going to enact strict measures so the vast killing authority he granted himself would not be abused by future Oval Office holders.
The adoring media ate it up. Here was Obama, finally behaving like the peace candidate he promised back in 2008. But was he being serious? Your immediate reaction should be, when is Obama, or any President for that matter, telling the truth? I have a bridge to sell you in Toronto if you sincerely believe the guy who believes he has the moral authority to kill without repercussion will actually curtail the warfare state.
It's being reported Obama entered into secret talks with Pentagon officials to draft a plan for the imposition of a "no fly zone" over Syria - the newest target in the American hegemon's eye. Bloodthirsty senators like John "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" McCain and Lindsey Graham are pushing hard for war to satisfy their imperial desires. Obama, being ever the statist, is happy to oblige, even as he treads lightly to not spook his leftist base.
The state is based on violence and predation. No one man, especially Barack Obama, is going to defang the beast. The talk of ending the seemingly immortal War on Terror is just more talk. The warfare state in the United States will collapse once Washington goes broke from the orgy of fiat spending and debt financing. It's just a shame we have to wait that long for results.
In the meantime, the US government will continue to wage its own War of Terror against Americans - looting them, reading their private correspondence, and throwing them in jail for non-crimes. But as long as the unquestioned commander-in-chief tells the mainstream press all is well, his will will be obliged. The War on Terror is not ending because it enriches too many establishment firms and allows the government to run roughshod over the rights of everyone on Earth. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but don't say we at The Dollar Vigilante didn't warn you.
Redmond Weissenberger is the Managing Editor of The Dollar Vigilante and the Founding Director of the Ludwig von Mises Institute of Canada, the centre for the study of the Austrian School of Economics within Canada.
Redmond founded the LvMIC in 2010 to address the lack of knowledge about the true cause of our booms and busts of the last 100 years and the need for sound money and sound economics to be applied to the Canadian and global economy.

When people tell me that we need the government because it protects us from murderous madmen, I have to point out that the government is how madmen get to murder thousands of people with impunity and often with praise. 
You almost have to admire the evil sleight of hand. The politicians have us all cowering in fear of the petty criminals that their prohibitions and poverty-inducing welfare create. Meanwhile the politicians themselves use the money they steal to wipe out entire villages and cities with one vote or one phone call. 
Politicians are just lying, thieving murderers in nice suits. They may have a thin, shiny veneer of respectability, but that covers a deep, dense core of thuggishness. The more powerful the politician, the more concentrated the evil. And the greater the cognitive dissonance among the masses of indocrtinated worshipers. 
So it is that a smooth-talking thug like Obama can kill again and again and have his adorers continue to praise him and brush away any criticisms about his hypocrisy and obvious sociopathic ability to murder and not feel a thing. He is no different from the common gangster. This same man could just as easily have walked up to any of those four Americans who died on his orders -- including that teenage boy -- and put two rounds into the base of their skulls himself. 
Don't ever kid yourself. That's the kind of monster we're talking about. Every politician believes in aggressive violence enough to engage in it. Your local city council member may not be as overtly sociopathic as the kind of person who seeks to command all the military might of the USSA. Or maybe they are and just don't have the ambition to get that far. When you look at the federal level, then you get to see the real dedicated, true stone-cold killers like Obama and McCain and Lindsey Graham who I only half-jokingly suspect is wearing a human-like disguise. 
If you can, get away from these men. Find some pleasant part of the planet that doesn't hold their interesttake steps to divorce yourself from their tax farm and go live in peace.
Gary Gibson
Editor, The Dollar Vigilante

1 opmerking:

Ron zei

Je schikt ervan (of eigenlijk niet) als je "Femke Halsema Obama " googled bijv. een tweet van haar:
En Obama valt vast tegen de komende jaren, maar als je hem nu hoort spreken: zo zinderend, verwachtingsvol, en vol hoop op echt humanisme
7:57 's ochtends - 7 november 2012

Zionist Nazi's. Punish Them

  Mitch @everyonetalks21 This you? 3:28 a.m. · 12 mrt. 2024 · 194 Weergaven https://x.com/everyonetalks21/status/1767377134933184758