dinsdag 29 september 2009

Iran 307

Zouden de westerse politici echt niet beseffen dat op zijn minst de islamitische wereld dwars door deze hypocrisie heen kijkt? Israel bezit nucleaire wapens, heeft in het verleden gedreigd die in te zetten, en heeft geen enkele consequentie te vrezen, omdat het Westen de schuld draagt van de holocaust. Maar moet die schuld nu permanent op het Midden Oosten worden afgewenteld? Tot het einde der dagen?

Iran Facing Harsh Sanctions, Global Isolation

by: t r u t h o u t | NewsWire

A car bombing in Iraq.
(Artwork: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t)

The Obama administration is laying the groundwork to isolate Iran economically from the rest of the world over that nation's nuclear program. The threat comes on the eve of scheduled talks among the Islamic Republic and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council - the US, the UK, Russia, China and France - meant to determine the scope and intent of that program.

The issue of Iran's nuclear ambitions became pressing this week after that nation disclosed the existence of a second secret uranium-enrichment plant and after they test-fired several long-range missiles capable of striking Israel, Europe and US bases in the Persian Gulf.

According to The Washington Post, concerns over Iran's nuclear program have motivated the Obama administration to prepare measures that would cut economic ties between that nation and the world. "While officials stress that they hope Iran will agree to open its nuclear program to inspection," reported the Post, "they are prepared by year's end to make it increasingly difficult for Iranian companies to ship goods around the world. The administration is targeting, in particular, the insurance and reinsurance companies that underwrite the risk of such transactions. Officials are also looking at ways to keep goods from reaching Iran by targeting companies that get around trading restrictions by sending shipments there through third parties in Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Hong Kong; and other trading hubs."

David F. Gordon, former State Department official and current director of research at the Eurasia Group, a consulting firm, said, "The idea of targeting insurance and reinsurance is a good one. It is the only potential game-changer around. But I am not sure it will be enough to move the Iranians and do it in a timely fashion. The Iranians are very committed to the program."

The Obama administration also faces a serious challenge in implementing such harsh measures because Russia and China are wary of disrupting their own economic dealings with Iran; both have veto power on the UN Security Council, so both have the ability to thwart sanction efforts by the US.

Zie: http://www.truthout.org/092909A

3 opmerkingen:

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VolkskrantWatch: Israël bedreigt Iran, maar ook Europa

Over de slagkracht van Israël, die in onze "kwaliteitskranten" immer wordt verzwegen, kan Martin Levi van Creveld ons wel wat vertellen. Van Creveld is een Israëlier van Nederlandse komaf, en hoogleraar militaire geschiedenis aan de Hebreeuwse Universiteit in Jeruzalem. In 2002 stelde hij, of beter, dreigde hij:

"We hebben enkele honderden kernkoppen en raketten om ze overal op te gooien, misschien zelfs op Rome. Met vliegtuigen zijn de meeste Europese hoofdsteden zelfs een doelwit. ... Wij hebben de mogelijkheid de wereld mee te slepen als we ten onder gaan. En ik kan u beloven dat voordat Israël wordt vernietigd, we dat ook zullen doen." (interview Elsevier 2002, nr. 17 - Engelse versie)

Bekend is dat de Israëlische Jericho-II raket, die kernkoppen kon dragen, 20 jaar geleden al 1500 kilometer ver kwam, en dus bijvoorbeeld doelen in Iran kon raken (overzicht rakettesten Israël 1953-2005). Maar het feit dat o.a. Iran al 20 jaar door Israël bedreigd wordt met atoombommen lezen we nooit in onze kranten. En tegenwoordig kan de Jericho-III al 4500 kilometer afleggen. Van Creveld stelde onomwonden dat wanneer Iran echt geen kernwapens zou willen maken, het wel gek zou zijn. Ook dat Iran nooit een atoombom op Israël zou gooien, maar dat het hypen van de 'Iraanse nucleaire dreiging' erg belangrijk is voor Israël omdat het daarom wapens krijgt van Amerika en Duitsland (Washington Times 2007). En onze media helpen Israël daar enorm mee. De feiten publiceren, dat is lang zo belangrijk niet als de bewapening van onze bevriende schurkenstaat.

Israël's nucleaire dreiging

Paul2 zei

Analyse John Pilger says it all

Anoniem zei

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Israelis ask EU to rocket-proof homes

JERUSALEM, Sept. 23 (UPI) --
A group of Israeli Europeans living in southern Israel near the Gaza border have asked the European Union to foot the bill to rocket-proof their homes.

The group of 14 British nationals, an Italian and a Frenchman, who hold dual Israeli citizenship, filed a lawsuit with the European Commission last month, Haaretz reported.

The newspaper said the group cited Article 3.5 of the European Treaty which states the European Union will "contribute to the protection of its citizens," regardless of their whereabouts.

The group all live in communities surrounding the Gaza Strip that are prone to Qassam rocket attacks and have been hit in the past.

They also demanded the European Union stop sending funds to Hamas in Gaza, Haaretz said.

Mordechai M. Tzivin who represents Eyal Katorza, a French national living in Sderot, said the European Union must provide its citizens with protection and security whether they reside within Europe or in a third state abroad.

In the event the commission fails to rule on the matter, the group intends to petition the Court of Justice of the European Communities in 12 months time, Tzivin said.

He said the petitioners also demand that the European Union ensure that funds sent to the Palestinian Authority do not reach Hamas. "The European Union gives hundreds of millions of euros each year to aid groups in Gaza. This money cannot be allowed to target European citizens," he told the newspaper.

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