zondag 28 juni 2009

De Pro Israel Lobby 140

Overal ter wereld is de betaalde pro-israel lobby actief. In Nederland is het de joodse pro-Israel lobby onder aanvoering van Ronny Naftaniel en de christelijke pro-Israel lobby onder aanvoering van het CDA en de CU, in de VS zijn het de joodse neoconservatieve voormannen die het Midden-Oosten beleid van de VS in een catastrofe hebben veranderd, die om een nieuwe oorlog smeken.

America’s arrogant manipulator
Israel lobbyist Paul Wolfowitz calls for US interference in Iran

By Paul J. Balles

28 June 2009

"He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow." – George Eliot

Paul J. Balles cautions against the warmongering growls of Paul Wolfowitz, the architect of the aggression against Iraq and a man of dual loyalty to Israel and the USA, who is now calling for American interference in Iran’s internal affairs.

The New York Times published an Op-Ed piece (19 June) by Paul Wolfowitz, the man more responsible than others in the previous US administration for unjustified death and destruction in Iraq.

Bernard Weiner, writing in the Crisis Papers reveals that in 1992, then-Secretary of Defence Dick Cheney had a strategy report drafted for the Department of Defence, written by Paul Wolfowitz, who was then the under-secretary of defence for policy.
In it, the US government was urged, as the world's sole remaining superpower, to move aggressively and militarily around the globe. The report called for pre-emptive attacks and ad hoc coalitions, but said that the US should be ready to act alone when "collective action cannot be orchestrated."

Weiner wrote: “Wolfowitz outlined plans for military intervention in Iraq as an action necessary to assure ‘access to vital raw material, primarily Persian Gulf oil’ and to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and threats from terrorism.”

This last part was the key to the Wolfowitz doctrine. Israel had as its agent provocateur Paul Wolfowitz to justify occupation of Iraq as permanent protection against WMDs.

"For bureaucratic reasons we settled on one issue, weapons of mass destruction, because it was the one reason everyone could agree on." said Wolfowitz, in an interview in the magazine Vanity Fair.

In his latest New York Times article, Wolfowitz started off with a hawkish remark about how, "President Obama's first response to the protests in Iran was silence, followed by a cautious, almost neutral stance designed to avoid 'meddling' in Iranian affairs".

Instead of criticizing Barack Obama’s prudent response to the events in Iran, the uncompromising warmonger Wolfowitz should be having nightmares over the 1,331,578 Iraqis slaughtered since the US invaded Iraq, and the 4,315 US military personnel sacrificed in that war.

Wolfowitz now wants Obama to interfere in the election conflict in Iran, an event that's nobody's business but the Iranians’. Other hawks in Washington have undoubtedly been encouraged to call Obama timid or weak. James Mann referred to Wolfowitz as "...the most influential underling in Washington".

In the New York Times article, Wolfowitz wrote: "...the reform the Iranian demonstrators seek is something that we should be supporting. In such a situation, the United States does not have a 'no comment' option". On the contrary, it’s the only sensible option.

Wolfowitz added: "Coming from America, silence is itself a comment – a comment in support of those holding power and against those protesting the status quo." This kind of thinking behind America's imperialism has done nothing but breed enemies for America.

According to Wolfowitz, "It would be a cruel irony if, in an effort to avoid imposing democracy, the United States were to tip the scale toward dictators who impose their will on people struggling for freedom".

What gives the US a right to "impose democracy" on any country or to decide what should be done about those "who impose their will on people struggling for freedom?"

Adding insult to injury, Wolfowitz growls: "And if we appear so desperate for negotiations that we will abandon those who support our principles, we weaken our own negotiating hand."
The reality is that Wolfowitz has no interest in negotiations of any sort. He has been called “Wolfowitz of Arabia” in jest by the New York Times’ Maureen Dowd, and, with respect, “the intellectual godfather of the war ... its heart and soul” by Time’s Mark Thompson. If the war on Iraq is anybody’s war, it is Paul Wolfowitz’s.

4 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

NRC 2006, via Deepjournal: Haagse subsidie tegen regime Iran

De organisatie Freedom House, die in 2003 de Amerikaanse inval in Irak steunde, ontving dit jaar ongeveer 630.000 euro van de Nederlandse overheid, zo bevestigt de directrice van de organisatie. Het Nederlandse geld is bedoeld voor het opzetten van een webplatform voor Iraanse oppositiefiguren, genaamd www.goozar.org . Op de website van Freedom House staat dat de organisatie "absoluut tegen religieuze dictaturen als Iran is".

Nederland en de Verenigde Staten zijn de enige landen ter wereld die openlijk budgetten hebben om politieke veranderingen in Iran te bevorderen. De Nederlandse overheid is zelf niet gediend van Iraanse staatssatellietzenders die de boodschap van het islamitische regime uitdragen. Een Iraans staatssatellietkanaal is vorig jaar verboden in Nederland wegens "het zaaien van haat".

De subsidie is onderdeel van een groter Nederlands project, gericht op het bevorderen van pluriformiteit van de media in Iran. Na een wetsvoorstel, ingediend door Farah Karimi (GroenLinks) en Hans van Baalen (VVD), heeft de Tweede Kamer in 2004 van 15 miljoen euro uitgetrokken voor dit doel.

Volgens de Britse krant Financial Times is Freedom House een van de organisaties die van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken geld ontvangen voor clandestiene operaties in Iran. De Verenigde Staten hebben 75 miljoen dollar vrijgemaakt voor het "brengen van vrijheid en democratie in Iran". Freedom House was een van de drijvende krachten achter de ‘Oranje revolutie’ in 2004-2005 in Oekraïne en de studentenbeweging Otpor in Servië.

Op het moment dat de Amerikaanse organisatie de Nederlandse subsidie aanvroeg, werd Freedom House geleid door ex-CIA directeur James Woolsey die zich heeft geschaard achter oproepen tot wisseling van regime in Iran.

yelamdenu zei

Er is weinig dat me meer kan ergeren dan de naiviteit van GroenLinks die figuren als Karimi op het soort posities hijst waar zij zit, en natuurlijk in het algemeen het totaal gebrek aan helder en krieties denkvermogen.

Sonja zei

Mossadegh moest weg omdat hij de olie nationaliseerde. "We had a democracy but they took it away'.
Mossadegh - Stephen Kinzer - Iranian Democracy
Lesje geschiedenis op YouTube. A short flick about the CIA engineered coup that toppled PM Mossadegh in 1953. Met o.a. Trita Parsi.

Travis, Family Resources (is a link) zei

Hello Blogger;

Consider, if you will, that it is highly probable there is a rouge faction controlling Israel, that is the enemy, the aggressor, the enslaver of the whole world;

“Turn away from the false teachings of the Israelite authorities (Those who have hijacked Palestine and now wish to control the whole planet?) and their scribes, because they will bring destruction to successive generations.

The Israelites believe themselves the chosen people. By no means is this the case, because they are more disloyal and unknowing than the ignorant who lack the secret of Creation’s laws”.

“The Israelites have ravaged this land through plunder and murder, they have killed their friends with whom they had drunk wine, and they have deceived and misled their fellow believers of the Jewish cult, who are truly not Israelites but merely believers in a cult.

Thus the Israelites betrayed their own friends and murdered them because of their greed, but it shall likewise be done to them by the rightful owners of this land whom they have deprived of their rights and subjugated since ancient times.”

- The Talmud of Jmmanuel, the gospel of The Christ manifestation on earth that the Pharisees do not wish for us to read (appears to have been banned in some countries) can be found on my Ancient Wisdom page.

But why is this faction being allowed to create such bellicose behavior around the world? Is it really about greed or power? Or is it part of a perfect plan, they are the catalyst to restore the service-to-others orientation within the soul of humanity as Hidden_Hand (Lucifer) claims?

Ahmadinejad never said he wished to wipe the people of Israel off the face of the map. The controlled media used sound bites to create what was heard in order to give themselves cause to overthrow the Iranian government and confiscate its oil as they had done in Iraq and other various countries; http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/169.html

The possible truth regarding the Iranian election; http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=14018

As you may know, if we do not read to understand material outside of the control matrix, we then have nothing to stand on but more of our own speculations based on the disinformation created by the controlled medias and our own bias.

I will not be returning to this post. Therefore, if you have comment regarding mine, please use the Contact Us on my website,



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