vrijdag 1 februari 2008

Iran 192

'Iran and Bush's crisis of truth Iran may not be run by saints. But Iran has never threatened the U.S. Nor has Iran ever invaded another country.
By Peter Dyer
“Iran is a threat to world peace.” Iran is “the world’s leading sponsor of terror.” So declared President Bush in his recent trip to the Middle East. Iran, he said, is seeking to “intimidate its neighbors with ballistic missiles and bellicose rhetoric.”
By now most of us are familiar with the President’s feelings and rhetoric concerning Iran. They have a familiar ring. They sound a lot like the buildup to the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Recently the Center for Public Integrity, a non-profit investigative reporting institution, published a report: “Iraq: the War Card.” The report documented 935 false statements made by President Bush and seven top administration officials in the two years following September 11, 2001 concerning the national security threat posed by Iraq to the U.S.
The top liar was the President. He made, according to the report, 232 false statements about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and 28 false statements about Iraq’s links with al-Qaeda.
In this light we should examine carefully any statement the President makes concerning Iranian threats to world peace.
A look at a map of the region helps put things in perspective. We see that Iran has 13 “next-door neighbors.” Seven share land borders with Iran while six countries lie directly across the Persian Gulf.
Of these 13 all but five (Oman, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan) contain U.S. military bases. Of these five, Oman and the U.S. negotiated a 10-year agreement in 2000 which gives the U.S. access to three Omani air fields.
The other four neighbors are all recipients of U.S. aid. Pending congressional approval, this will include President Bush’s recent offer to Saudi Arabia of a $20 billion arms package.
Two of Iran’s neighbors, Afghanistan and Iraq, have recently been invaded and occupied by the U.S. Another neighbor, Pakistan, is a nuclear power and a U.S. ally in the “Global War on Terror.” Another nuclear power and U.S. ally, Israel, lies within striking distance of Iran.
In the Persian Gulf, according to the U.S. Navy Times, the U.S. is currently deploying an aircraft carrier strike group and two expeditionary strike groups.'

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

... the President ... made, according to the report, 232 false statements about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and 28 false statements about Iraq’s links with al-Qaeda.
In this light we should examine carefully any statement the President makes concerning Iranian threats to world peace.

Dit mogen onze vrienden in Hilversum en de schrijvende pers boven hun zachte bedje hangen!

Want het lijkt wel alsof ze in Washington duizenden keren mogen liegen, elk persbericht van het Witte Huis wordt toch wel weer met de grootste ernst voor het voetlicht gebracht.

Een vreemd soort hersenaandoening: "hoor- en wederhoor" geldt zeker ook onbeperkt voor ernstig recidiverende leugenaars.

Anoniem zei

Even een nieuwsflash over Iran: Iran is effectief afgesloten voor het internet; er zijn berichten dat in de afgelopen dagen vier internationale telecommunicatie kabels zijn doorgesneden (zgn. ongeluk?) maar toevallig zijn Iraq en Israel hierbij buiten schot gelaten.

Internet Traffic report meldt ook dat de enige globale router van Iran al 24 uur compleet onbereikbaar is...

Zie ook Submarine cable cut torpedoes Middle East access. En Middle East Undersea Cable Cutting Zionist-NeoCon Covert Operation? hoewel ik niet weet of de auteur betrouwbaar is (en staat ook niet in sourcewatch)

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