zondag 7 mei 2006

Iran 43

De Amerikaanse journalist Mike Whitney schrijft: 'Not One Drop. “Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign, unlike any other we have ever seen…Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” George Bush.
George Bush has no intention of obeying international law or following the United Nation’s rules. After his Iran resolution fails in the Security Council, he’ll resume his belligerence while trying to cobble together a coalition for sanctions. The media has already begun the disinformation campaign; stressing the “serious concerns” of the international community about Iran’s nuclear programs. It is 100% bunkum. The “international community” has never cared a whit about Iran or its fictitious weapons programs. The driving force behind the hostilities is Washington. Even Bush’s allies on the Security Council (Germany, France and England) know the whole thing is a sham intended to elicit public support for a war. Do they think we were born yesterday? No one knows why the Europeans have allowed themselves to be manipulated by Bush. Whatever the reason may be, they’ve cast their lot with the damned. They may think they’re avoiding a conflict by placating Bush, but their brinksmanship has brought the Middle East one step closer to a regional holocaust. The Bush resolution is a complete joke and an insult to the notion that every country deserves to be treated equally under the law. It requires Iran to “suspend all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities, including research and development” and it demands that Iran accept an “Additional Protocol and transparency measures” which make the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) meaningless. Washington has rewritten the treaty completely and expects Iran to submissively sign on the dotted line. Never. Iran has not been found to be in violation of its treaty rights or in “noncompliance”. They’ve undergone the most extensive 3 year inspection-regime in the history of the IAEA. The real reason Iran has been unfairly singled out is because they’ve committed the inexcusable crime of controlling their own resources. This makes them a potential threat to Israel’s ever-expanding territorial ambitions and America’s insatiable thirst for oil. The nuclear issue is a red herring with no merit whatsoever.' Lees verder: http://informationclearinghouse.info/article12952.htm

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