zondag 23 april 2006

Osama bin Laden 2

Er doet zich iets opmerkelijks voor. Ondanks de herhaalde waarschuwingen van Osama bin Laden, reageren wij alsof er niets aan de hand is. De oud CIA-functionaris Michael Scheuer, voormalig 'Chief of the bin Laden Unit at the Counterterrorist Center' van deze inlichtingendienst, schrijft in 'Imperial Hubris' het volgende: 'Toward the goal of preparing Muslims, bin Laden has repeatedly warned Americans that another al Qaeda attack on the United States is in the offing and that it will be worse than that of 11 September... bin Laden has appealed directly to the American people to use their democratic system of government to force U.S. leaders to abrogate policies that are harming the Muslim world... "We are defending ourselves against the United States," bin Laden said on behalf of the Islamic world in November 2001. "This is why I used to say that if [the Muslims] do not have security, the Americans also will not have it. This is a very simple formula... This is the formula of live and let live." Declared at the start of the U.S.- Afghan war, bin Laden's warning to the United States has been on his lips ever since. A year after the statement, for example, bin Laden reminded Americans that "the road to safety begins by lifting oppression," and that their government and its allies had yet to heed this advice. "This is an unfair division. The time has come for us to be equal,'' bin Laden warned. "Just as you kill, you are killed. Just as you bombard, you are bombarded.''' Het is een logica die door het Westen niet geaccepteerd wordt. Daar zullen we een hoge prijs voor moeten betalen. In deze postmoderne tijd zal onze terreur met tegenterreur worden beantwoord. Zelfs massavernietigingswapens zijn niet langer meer uitgesloten. 'Al-Qaeda has long sought nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons of mass destruction (WMD) to inflict extensive casualties. Although bombs and other conventional weapons attacks are more likely, especially by al-Qaeda affiliate groups and terrorists inspired by bin Laden, AQC has demonstrated a long-time interest in obtaining and using WMD as a terrorist tactic. Bin Laden declared that acquiring weapons of mass destruction was a "religious duty" in a December 1998 interview with Time Magazine. Bin Laden asked for and received a May 2003 fatwa (religious edict) from Shaykh Nasir bin Hamid al-Fahd entitled "A Treatise on the Legal Status of Using Weapons of Mass Destruction Against Infidels" that condoned the use of WMD.' De Saoedische geestelijke concludeert in zijn studie; 'If a bomb that killed 10 million of them and burned as much of their land as they have burned Mislims' land were dropped on them, it would be permissable.' Deze uitspraak maakt de weg vrij voor al Qaida om massavernietigingswapens in te zetten.

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