zaterdag 29 april 2006

Iran 44

De bezetenheid van de Westerse wereld ten opzichte van Iran is opmerkelijk, vooral wanneer die afgezet wordt tegen de gelatenheid en zelfs openlijke steun van het Westen aan Israel. Iran heeft een nucleair programma, Israel bezit nucleaire wapens. Iran heeft nooit met nucleaire wapens gedreigd, Israel wel. En toch worden tegen Israel geen stappen ondernomen, tegen Iran wel. Dat mag voor het Westen redelijk lijken, maar niet voor de rest van de wereld, en zeker niet de islamitische wereld. De Washington Post bericht: 'Report Sets Stage For Action on Iran.
U.N. Nuclear Agency Provides Evidence Needed to Open Security Council Debate. PARIS, April 28 -- In a sharply worded report, the International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed Friday that Iran is accelerating its uranium enrichment efforts and hiding crucial information about its nuclear program. The report opens the way for the U.N. Security Council to debate potential actions against Iran. The Vienna-based U.N. nuclear monitoring agency said serious gaps in the information provided by Iran made it impossible "to provide assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities" or to assess the role of the Iranian military in the nuclear work.The eight-page report provided official evidence that the United States, Britain and France have sought to launch a push for possible sanctions against Iran. But Russia and China, also permanent members of the Security Council, have repeatedly expressed skepticism with that approach. President Bush said after the report's release that "the world is united and concerned" about Iran's "desire to have not only a nuclear weapon but the capacity to make a nuclear weapon or the knowledge to make a nuclear weapon. Lees verder:

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