The so-called "doves" in the Bush administration - who sometimes like to call themselves "realists" - have apparently settled on the idea of a slow drawdown of U.S. forces in Iraq, combined with the stepped-up effort to cobble together a shaky government of national unity in Iraq that could take the lead in fighting the Sunni-led resistance. The idea behind that strategy is to convince American voters in advance of November, 2006, that Iraq is stabilizing, that the war is being won and that American troops are coming home. The fact that American troops will probably be in Iraq for a decade at least, if not far longer, is an ugly reality that the administration's doves hope will dawn on Americans after the election. The same goes for the fact that Iraq is already engulfed in a civil war that no "national unity" regime can put an end to-particularly a regime made up of the same gaggle of exile leaders and warlords who, in succession, led the Iraqi Governing Council in 2003, the interim and transitional governments of 2004-2005 and the so-called "permanent" government of 2006.' Lees verder:
http://www.tompaine.com/articles/2006/04/17/iraq_war_round_two.php Of:
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