zondag 3 juni 2007

De Israelische Terreur 213

40 jaar bezetting is 40 jaar Israelische terreur geweest. Net zoals de Duitse bezetting 5 jaar lang terreur voor Nederland betekende. Zo simpel is het, behalve dan dat deze terreur inmiddels acht jaar langer duurt. Alleen al in 2006 werden 120 Palestijnse kinderen door Israel vermoord. Zie: Amnesty International: http://stanvanhoucke.blogspot.com/2007/05/de-israelische-terreur-205.html Voor het doden van kinderen is geen ander woord dan moord, terreur. Desondanks zijn er Nederlanders, politici, de pro-Israel lobby, vrome christenen en overtuigde liberalen die deze moorden, deze terreur goedpraten. Ik heb hier enkele volstrekt willekeurige foto's opgenomen van de dagelijkse terreur van de Israelische bezetting.

De Amerikaanse wetenschapper Mazin Qumsiyeh bericht op zijn website:
'40 years of occupation
40 year of occupation and 60 years of wars: enough6/2/07 by MBQThose who planned the 1967 "six day war" (Al-Naksa in Arabic) 40 years ago and we the people who lived there could not foresee its ramifications on lives of Israelis and Palestinians let alone Americans and Iraqis today. I was a 10-year old kid growing up in the Shepherd's field at the time the occupation began and my memories of the initial onslaught are vivid. After I immigrated to the US in 1979, I still go almost every year and still maintain residency there. I saw it get worse and worse every year from 1967 (and I dread my trip this summer). What can be said after 40 years of illegal occupation, after over 250,000 Israeli Jewish colonial settlers in the West Bank, after over 18,000 of our homes demolished, after causing massive economic dislocation (unemployment is at twice what it was for Americans during the Great depression), after over 11,000 Palestinian political prisoners now in Israeli jails, after over 10,000 fellow Palestinian civilians killed? What can be said after the remaining Palestinians are squeezed into shrinking ghettos after much of their best lands was confiscated? Should we focus on the price the occupiers also paid (especially since the introduction of the phenomenon of suicide bombings 10 years ago). Should we focus on the price the world has paid including the unfolding tragedy in Iraq (and now the Israel lobby is pushing for a war on Iran)? How about the over $1 trillion that Israel cost the US in these 40 years?It was called a six day "war" because the Israeli aerial blitzkrieg so devastated the armies of Jordan, Syria, and Egypt in the first few hours that the remainder of the time was basically what it took infantry to occupy the West Bank, Gaza, Sinai, and the Golan Heights. Most analysts believe that this war was critical in cementing the Israel-US "strategic" relationship to a point of mutual dependency. But the survivors of the USS Liberty (A US Navy ship attacked by Israel in International waters on June 8, 1967) and all objective historians convincingly showed that: 1) Israel's attack on the USS Liberty was deliberate, and 2) that the Israeli lobby was already strong before the war and thus managed to stifle an inquiry (for details see http://www.ussliberty.org/ ). President Carter suggested that there are individuals seeking to silence debate on these issues. He was ruthlessly attacked thus proving his point. Similarly, a research paper on the Israel lobby by renounced scholars Mearsheimer (University of Chicago) and Walt (from Harvard) was attacked in a way that proves its salient points. Thanks to the Internet, it is becoming more difficult to silence the truth. So even if this article is not published in a US mainstream newspaper, it will be read by tens of thousands anyway. So let us look openly at the legacy of 1967.First let us dispense with the mythology about how that war started or its goals. For example Israeli General Matityahu Peled admitted: "The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence is only bluff, which was born and developed after the war...To pretend that the Egyptian forces massed on our frontiers were in a position to threaten the existence of Israel constitutes an insult not only to the intelligence of anyone capable of analyzing this sort of situation, but above all an insult to the Zahal Israeli army" (Ha'aretz, 19 March 1972). The largest evidence for Israel's intentions is the commencement of immediate Israeli settlement of the occupied areas. Israel also annexed 10% of the West Bank (expanded "greater Jerusalem") and all the Golan Heights. Israel hoped that through economic pressures, land and natural resource confiscations, and physical violence that they would annex the rest when the native population is reduced especially on the richest land areas. That is why Israeli colonies/settlements (which violate International law) sit atop the Western and Eastern water aquifers in and encircle Jerusalem (all in the West Bank). It is also why Israel still holds the Golan heights (for its water). The charade of colonial need for security (from those irrational and violent natives) has been always the mantra to use for further colonization and expansion whether used by European settlers in the Americas or the Apartheid regime in South Africa or Israel. For making all of this possible, the US lost so much credibility around the world. Votes at the UN General assembly now routinely see 160 countries voting one way while Israel and the US vote anther. Attacks on civilians by US supplied F-16s, Apache gunship helicopters, and cluster bombs are seen in other parts of the world as state terrorism and not as Israeli self-defense. Europeans polled by a large majority identified the US and Israel as the two most dangerous countries in the world. Indeed this is the legacy of the lobby that ensured the "special relationship" that would continue to drag us in America to wars in an endless cycle now packaged as "war on terrorism".'

4 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Typisch.. dat je mijn reactie verwijderd hebt..kennelijk stel je alleen reactie`s op prijs die jouw mening delen.

Jammer maar wel voorspelbaar, discussie is kennelijk niet mogelijk, oude linkse DDR mentaliteit vind ik dat.

Succes er mee verder.

stan zei

ja jacco, ga je propaganda voor terreur maar ergens anders uitventen.
stan van houcke

Anoniem zei

Wat ben jij hier boven aan het doen dan ? als je alle berichtgeving heel nauwkeurig uitfiltert en alleen aankaart wat in jou straatje past ben je wel een beetje erg eenzijdig vind je niet ?

stan zei

jacco, ik constateer dat je niet ontkent dat je propaganda maakt voor terreur. als ik je naam aantik krijg ik ook het israelische ministerie van buitenlandse zaken. kortom, de volgende reactie van je, verwijder ik weer. ik ben tegen terreur en heb geen geduld voor mensen die terreur propageren, of vergoeilijken.

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