dinsdag 3 september 2024

Now is the time of monsters.'

 This I wrote almost a year ago:

maandag 23 oktober 2023

EU: 'I am grateful that Israel will increase its supply of energy to the EU.'

I am grateful that Israel will increase its supply of energy to the EU. Tomorrow we’ll take an important step, with the signing of a trilateral agreement on gas between Israel, the EU and Egypt.

'Tomorrow we’ll take an important step, with the signing of a trilateral agreement on gas between Israel, the EU and Egypt.'

Now we know why the Zionist Regime organized the Hamas attack on Israel without interfering for seven hours. The gas for Europe comes from fields in front of the coast of Gaza. But don't tell the mainstream-journalists this. They are not allowed to publish this. Do your own research. Von der Leyen knew in advance what Israel was planning. So European politicians allow a genocidal attack on the Palestinian Population. Power Corrupts. That is why Christians, Moslims and Jews are willing to kill. Monsters.

'The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.'

― Antonio Gramsci

1 opmerking:

Bauke Jan Douma zei

Het Germaanse fascisme en het Zionistische fascisme schudden de hand.

israel-did-9-11/ A Must Read

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