woensdag 4 oktober 2023

Read This. The Nazi's Never Disappeared



Martin Bormann — Nazi in Exile



by Paul Manning 1980, Lyle Stuart, Inc.

ISBN 0–8184-0309–8

Illustrated, 302 pages.

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See also: About Paul Manning

In late 2005, American popular culture paid homage to one of the greatest journalists of all time. In “Goodnight and Good Luck,” the life and work of CBS radio and television journalist Edward R. Murrow provided the material for a Hollywood feature film. Paul Manning was arguably the greatest of “Murrow’s Boys”—the group of skilled journalists Murrow ran in Europe during World War II. After training as a gunner and flying combat missions in both Europe and over Japan, Manning broadcast the surrenders of both Germany and Japan on the CBS radio network. After the war, Manning undertook an investigation of Hitler’s Deputy, Martin Bormann, and the postwar capital network he ran, in considerable measure, at the encouragement of Murrow. Partially underwritten by CBS, the story of the Bormann organization proved too sensitive for the network to report.

A decisively powerful network of corporate entities run by hardened SS veterans, the Bormann group constitutes what one veteran banker termed “the greatest concentration of money power under a single control in history.” The foundation of the organization’s clout is money—lots and lots of money. Controlling German big business and, through investments, much of the rest of the world’s economy, the organization was the repository for the stolen wealth of Europe, estimated by British intelligence to have totaled more than $180 billion by the end of 1943 (not including the money taken from Greece and the former Soviet Union, nor that taken after 1943.) [For more on the global economic significance of the Bormann group, see—among other programs—FTR#99.] This organization literally constitutes a postwar “Underground Reich” with (as discussed in FTR#155) a governing hierarchy composed of the sons and daughters of SS men, holding military ranks and titles from the Third Reich.

In addition to the enormous power deriving from its consummate economic clout, the Bormann group has wielded tremendous global influence through its intelligence and enforcement network. Administered by SS general Heinrich Mueller, the wartime head of the Gestapo, the Bormann group’s intelligence and security network was composed of some of the toughest, most capable veterans of the SS. In addition, the Bormann organization and Mueller’s security outfit have commanded the loyalty of the political, intelligence and military elements requisitioned by the Allies after the war. In that regard, the Bormann/Mueller operation could draw on the loyalties of the Reinhard Gehlen spy outfit that handled the CIA’s intelligence on the former Soviet Union and which ultimately became the intelligence service of the Federal Republic of Germany. In addition, Bormann and Mueller were the political masters of the numerous scientists recruited by the U.S. and other nations for their expertise during the Cold War, as well as the numerous Nazis brought into the U.S. under the auspices of the Crusade For Freedom. Those latter ultimately coalesced into a major element of the Republican Party. (For more about the Crusade for Freedom, see—among other programs—FTR#465.)

With its economic, political and espionage capabilities, the Bormann group embodies the triumph of the forces of National Socialism in the postwar period. Whereas the United States was the dominant element within the international cartel system prior to, and during, World War II, the Bormann group is the primary entity in the postwar global corporate economy.

The organization’s clout has successfully obscured its existence in the face of journalistic investigation. Compare the “official” fate of Bormann (supposedly killed at the end of the war) with demonstrable historical fact, as researched by Manning. Relating information from the FBI’s file on Bormann, Manning writes: “ . . .The file revealed that he had been banking under his own name from his office in Germany in Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires since 1941; that he held one joint account with the Argentinian dictator Juan Peron, and on August 4, 5 and 14, 1967, had written checks on demand accounts in first National City Bank (Overseas Division) of New York, The Chase Manhattan Bank, and Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., all cleared through Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires. . . .”

(Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile, p. 205.)

FTR#305 is a condensation of some of the key segments of text from Manning’s landmark book. The story of the active suppression of Manning’s work on Bormann is contained in FTR#152 (side A). The moving tale of Manning’s heroic, decades-long investigation into the Bormann group is contained in a professional biography of Paul Manning that accompanies the text. That professional biography also recounts the professional retribution to which Manning was subjected in retaliation for his work (including the 1993 murder of his son Gerry.)

Readers interested the Manning text on Bormann should also investigate Gold Warriors by the Seagraves—the story of Japan’s postwar capital network and its profound relationship with the global economy.

Martin Borman — Nazi in Exile has also been posted as html by animalfarm.org.


1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei


Dit sluit helemaal aan op het thema van de evacuatie van de nazi-Oekraïners naar Canada , en hoe dat recent i.v.m. de fist pump voor Hunka weer actueel werd. (Althans , voor mensen die die geschiedenis nog niet kenden , zoals als ondergetekende.)
Dit soort informatie doet het zwart/wit beeld van good guys en bad guys verantwoord afbrokkelen.
Ik moet eens wat meer gaan lezen.