donderdag 10 januari 2019

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists will host a live international news conference at 10 a.m. EST/1500 GMT on Thursday, January 24, 2019, to announce the 2019 time of the Doomsday Clock. The news conference will take place at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Watch the announcement live on our website, on our Facebook page, or on Twitter.
    Speakers for the Doomsday Clock announcement on January 24, 2019 include:
  • Jerry Brown, executive chair, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists; former Governor of California
  • William J. Perry, chair, Bulletin Board of Sponsors; former Secretary of Defense
  • Rachel Bronson, president and CEO; Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
  • Herb Lin, Bulletin Science and Security Board; Senior Research Scholar for cyber policy and security at the Center for International Security and Cooperation and Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, both at Stanford University
  • Susan Solomon, Bulletin Science and Security Board; Lee and Geraldine Martin Professor of Environmental Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Sharon Squassoni, Bulletin Science and Security Board; Research Professor of Practice at the Institute for International Science and Technology Policy, Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University
 Read the 2018 Doomsday Clock Statement

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