woensdag 7 juni 2017

Crop Circles

After a fairly tiresome winter, spring arrived suddenly one morning. A few days of bright sunshine had brought the Canola fields forward and the landscape was patched with gold. The circles seemed to leap in!

My latest blog The First Five of 2017 deals with the beautiful first episode of the coming season. I imagine readers will by now have come to accept my tendency to over-excitement and exaggeration but I feel sure we have a historic crop circle season ahead of us!  
Meanwhile, the Barge Inn, the beautiful pub that for many years was Crop Circle HQ is open under new management.  After a few awkward years it has now reopened. The new Italian owners have agreed that the crop circle exhibition, carefully assembled by Monique Klinkenberg and Andreas Mueller, will be housed there.

The camping area, formerly a centre of unpleasantness and conflict, is closed down, the food is better, the atmosphere is clearer and hopefully the boring sleaze will be eliminated.              

The Devizes Summer Lectures, the world’s only annual crop circle conference is still taking bookings. This has been a consistently informative and often transformative event over the years and I recommend it strongly. For information go to:


For those interested my talk this year will be “Crop Circles: Hospitality and Impeccable Placement“.

We are living through a brief and critical moment that offers both challenges and gifts. There are many insights and miracles to be experienced here each summer. Join us. We would like to say hello.


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