zaterdag 20 september 2014

Barbara Oomen en de Mensenrechten 17

Glocalization of human rights! Very much looking forward to our next panel on human rights cities today at 4:45 PM in Marquette III

De redenen om mij niet publiekelijk (wel in mijn omgeving) uit te spreken tegen de oorlogsmisdaden van Israël zijn praktisch van aard. Ik volg de misdaden, met afschuw en ontzetting, als krantenlezer, en niet als expert (for what it’s worth). Er zijn – zo denk ik – veel mensen die veel meer weten van, en beter geëigend zijn om de publieke opinie op dit gebied te voeden dan ik.
Barbara Oomen. Woensdag 3 september 2014

Het nieuws sterkt mijn in mijn mening dat het hier gaat om een zwaar ongelijke strijd, met afschuwelijke gevolgen voor de Palestijnen. Mijn standpunt hierover is natuurlijk openbaar: als burger volg ik de berichten over de oorlog met afschuw en ontzetting, en als jurist ben ik van mening dat het hier gaat om oorlogsmisdaden, en voortdurende schendingen van de rechten van de mens.
Barbara Oomen. Zaterdag 13 september 2014

Just days before the seven-week siege of Gaza this past July and August that left some 2,000 Palestinians dead, 11,000 injured and 100,000 homeless, Israeli lawmaker Ayelet Shaked, a senior figure in the Jewish Home Party that is part of Israel's ruling coalition, posted on Facebook that 'the entire Palestinian people is the enemy . . . including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.' The post went on to declare that 'behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.'

Shaked's Facebook post was shared over 1,000 times and received nearly 5,000 "likes." A few weeks later, on August 1, The Times of Israel published an op-ed piece by Yochanan Gordan titled 'When Genocide Is Permissible.' Gordan claimed that 'there's going to have to come a time where Israel feels threatened enough where it has no other choice but to defy international warnings." He went on: "What other way then is there to deal with an enemy of this nature other than obliterate them completely? Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu clearly stated at the outset of this incursion that his objective is to restore a sustainable quiet for the citizens of Israel . . . If political leaders and military experts determine that the only way to achieve its goal of sustaining quiet is through genocide is it then permissible to achieve those responsible goals?'

Echoing these sentiments, the deputy speaker of the Israeli parliament Moshe Feiglin, a member of Netanyahu's Likud Party, urged the Israeli army to kill Palestinians in Gaza indiscriminately and use every means possible to get them to leave. 'Sinai is not far from Gaza and they can leave. This will be the limit of Israel's humanitarian efforts,' Feiglin said. 'The IDF will conquer the entire Gaza, using all the means necessary to minimize any harm to our soldiers, with no other considerations… The enemy population that is innocent of wrong-doing and separated itself from the armed terrorists will be treated in accordance with international law and will be allowed to leave.'

These calls for ethnic cleansing and genocide are increasing in frequency. The political climate in Israel has continued to shift so sharply to the right in the past few years that a fascist discourse is now palpable in the daily life of the country. In Tel Aviv in August, some of the right-wing protesters who beat leftists demonstrating against the siege of Gaza wore T-shirts bearing neo-Nazi symbols and photos, including T-shirts bearing the slogan 'Good night left side,' a neo-Nazi slogan popular in Europe at rock concerts featuring far-right bands, as a response to the original anti-fascist slogan: 'Good night white pride.' Nearly half of the Jewish population of Israel supports a policy of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and major portions of the population support complete annexation of the occupied territories and the establishment of an apartheid state, according to a 2012 poll.

Fear that fascism is on the rise in Israel led 327 Jewish survivors and descendants of survivors and victims of the Nazi genocide to publish an open letter in The New York Times on August 25 expressing alarm over 'he extreme, racist dehumanization of Palestinians in Israeli society, which has reached a fever-pitch.' The letter continued: 'We must raise our collective voices and use our collective power to bring about an end to all forms of racism, including the ongoing genocide of Palestinian people.'

What are the underlying structural roots in the Israeli political economy bringing about such genocidal pressures?

The Zionist project may have been founded - we now know from the spate of historical studies that have emerged in recent years - on systematic ethnic cleansing and terrorism against the Palestinians. Article II of the UN Convention of 1948 defines genocide as 'acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.' There is little doubt that we are seeing pre-genocidal activity in Israel-Palestine. What are the underlying structural roots in the Israeli political economy bringing about such genocidal pressures?

To answer this question we must step back a few years to focus on the larger structural changes associated with capitalist globalization and the integration of Israel and the Middle East into the new global order. The globalization of the Middle East starting in the late 20th century fundamentally changed the social structure of Israel and the political economy of its colonial project. Restructuring through capitalist globalization has brought about an important shift in the relationship of Palestinians to that project and generated conditions that make it easier for the Israeli right to raise the specter of genocide.

Palestijnse baby, slachtoffer van zionistisch fascisme.

Dat het zionistisch regime bewust oorlogsmisdaden pleegt blijkt ondermeer uit de volgende verklaring van de Israelische commandant Gadi Eisenkot, GOC Northern Command,  die het volgende heeft verklaard:

'What happened in the Beirut suburb of Dahiya in 2006 will happen in every village from which shots are fired in the direction of Israel,' Eisenkot said to journalists from Yedioth Ahronoth. 'We will wield disproportionate power against every village from which shots are fired on Israel, and cause immense damage and destruction. From our perspective, these are military bases. This isn't a suggestion. This is a plan that has already been authorized.'

How Israel Undermines International Law Through 'Lawfare'
Globalizing Gaza
Operation Protective Edge was not merely a military assault on a primarily civilian population. As in its previous 'operations' (Cast Lead in 2008-9 and Pillar of Defense in 2012), it was also part of an ongoing assault on international humanitarian law (IHL) by a highly coordinated team of Israeli lawyers, military officers, PR people and politicians, led by (no less) a philosopher of ethics. It is an effort not only to get Israel off the hook for massive violations of human rights and international law, but to help other governments overcome similar constraints when they embark as well on 'asymmetrical warfare,' 'counterinsurgency' and 'counter-terrorism' against peoples resisting domination. It is a campaign that Israel calls 'lawfare' and had better be taken seriously by us all.

Human Rights Watch:
Gaza: Israeli Soldiers Shoot and Kill Fleeing Civilians
Fighting in Khuza’a Shows Grave Dangers to Families Seeking Safety
(Gaza) – Israeli forces in the southern Gaza town of Khuza’a fired on and killed civilians in apparent violation of the laws of war in several incidents between July 23 and 25, 2014. Deliberate attacks on civilians who are not participating in the fighting are war crimes.

Operation Protective Edge has not officially ended, but the IDF's Technological and Logistics Directorate (known as Atal in Hebrew) has released a number of figures it collected throughout the month-long conflict.

Some of the numbers published reveal what many in the IDF already knew, and one senior officer echoed on Thursday: 'It was basically a preview of what will happen in the next war with Lebanon, where we will have 80 Shuja'ias (volledig plat gebombardeerde woonwijk in Gaza. svh) and a significant hit on the economy.'

Professor dr. Barbara Oomen, hoe lang denkt u als hoogleraar Sociologie van de Mensenrechten nog publiekelijk te kunnen blijven zwijgen zonder uw geloofwaardigheid en intellectuele integriteit volledig te hebben verloren? Ik vrees dat uw verweer als zou u zich 'bedreigd' voelen door mijn oproep aan u te opportunistisch is om serieus te nemen. Vandaar mijn verzoek antwoord te geven op mijn vraag. Gezien het feit dat Joods-Israelische intellectuelen en joodse burgers elders wel wezenlijke kritiek op het zionistisch regime durven te geven, is uw publiekelijk zwijgen steeds verwerpelijker. Zeker wanneer ook de Nederlandse volksvertegenwoordiging weigert politieke consequenties te verbinden aan het Israelisch terrorisme. Wie moet dan opkomen voor de bescherming van de mensenrechten? Welke normen en waarden hanteert u daadwerkelijk? Waar staat u precies voor? De bescherming van de mensenrechten of de bescherming van uw status en inkomen? In afwachting van uw antwoord.
Stan van Houcke

Een Joods-Israelische fascist.

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

Het meest opmerkelijke in deze serie is wellicht de uitstekende geïllustreerde onverschilligheid. Het onvermogen van het establishment met door haar gediskwalificeerden in discussie te gaan. het toont aan 'waaraan men dankt zijn bestaan'. Niet de school van het leven maar de school van gecorrumpeerd onderwijs bepaalt de koers. Als schapen die naar de slachtbank worden geleid. De arme schapen kunnen er niets aan doen, ze denken dat ze er wol bij spinnen mee te gaan in zoiets als 'het beloofde land'. Wie spint de wol? Wie verorbert het lamsvlees? Het staat niet met bloed geschreven op de deurpost.
Free lunch! Omdat het kan, en goedkoop omdat het kan want het is oneerlijk dat het elders duurder is. De dagelijkse boodschappen. Zegeltjes plakken bestaat nog steeds. Bezigheidstherapie uit een verzonken tijdperk, omdat het kan. Airmiles omdat anders iemand anders het voordeel opsoupeert, omdat het kan. Achterhaald als toekomstperspectief. Een tweede leven in het karmageton dat ons te wachten staat. Blij mee? God zal wel een nieuwe planeet creëren voor een tweede kans. Waar wachten we op? Get it over with, the sooner the better instead of living in postponed never-ending lie!
Did I say never-ending lie? Really?