woensdag 18 juni 2014

De Mainstream Pers 237

De Amerikaanse soft power is… nog altijd sterk aanwezig… Soft power is, in de kern, de overtuigingskracht van een staat, de kracht om het debat naar zich toe te trekken, om de agenda van de wereldpolitiek te bepalen.

Het land fungeerde… decennialang als ordebewaker en politieagent — om maar te zwijgen van alle hulp die het uitdeelde. En nog steeds zijn de Verenigde Staten het anker van het hele Atlantische deel van de wereld in de ruimste zin van het woord. Het is nog altijd de 'standaardmacht,' een rol die Rusland, Europa en ook China niet snel zullen overnemen.
Geert Mak. Reizen zonder John. 2012

While Saddam Hussein was fighting Iran abroad, not to mention gassing Kurds and Shi'ites at home using the vast quantities of chemical and biological weapons sold to him by the US, Britain, France, Germany,among others, he was our man: In 1988, when Saddam's forces were strafing Halabja with mustard gas and nerve toxins, massacring 5,000 civilians, US imports of Iraqi oil had rocketed to 126 million barrels – essentially one out of every four barrels of Iraqi oil exports. This was a special relationship. US oil companies received a discount of $1 per barrel below prices charged to European companies.

That special relationship only changed when Saddam's anti-Americanism got the better of him. At an Arab summit in February 1990, the Ba'athist leader declared: 'If the Gulf people and the rest of the Arabs along with them fail to take heed, the Arab Gulf region will be ruled by American will.' He complained that the US would dictate the production, distribution and price of oil, 'all on the basis of a special outlook which has to do solely with US interests and in which no consideration is given to the interests of others.'

So perhaps western officials thought they were being clever when they encouraged Kuwait to conduct what Henry Schuler – then head of the energy security program at Washington DC's Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) – described as 'economic warfare' against Iraq.

Citing the king of Jordan among other high-level sources, the late investigative journalist Michael Emery reported at the time in Village Voice that Kuwait:

'had enthusiastically participated in a behind-the-scenes economic campaign inspired by western intelligence agencies against Iraqi interests. The Kuwaitis even went so far as to dump oil for less than the agreed upon OPEC price... which undercut the oil revenues essential to cash hungry Baghdad. The evidence shows that President George Bush, British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, and other Arab leaders secretly cooperated on a number of occasions, beginning August 1988, to deny Saddam Hussein the economic help he demanded for the reconstruction of his nation.'

These covert efforts to quietly weaken Iraq's regional clout ended up provoking Saddam into invading Kuwait, prompting the 1991 Gulf War tore-assert OPEC's oil hegemony under western tutelage.

In the run up to the 2003 invasion, oil was again centre stage. While the plans to invade, capture and revitalize Iraq's flagging oil industry with a view to open it up to foreign investors were explored meticulously by the Pentagon, US State Department and UK Foreign Office – there was little or no planning for humanitarian or social reconstruction.

Opening up Iraq's huge oil reserves would avert what one British diplomatat the Coalition Provisional Authority characterized as a potential 'world shortage' of oil supply, stabilizing global prices, and thereby holding off an energy crunch anticipated in 2001 by a study group commissioned by vice president Dick Cheney.

Simultaneously, influential neoconservative US officials saw an opportunity here to pursue hair-brained ambitions to re-engineer the region through the de facto ethno-sectarian partition of Iraq into three autonomous cantons: a vision that could not be achieved without considerable covert violence.

According to US private intelligence firm Stratfor, Cheney and deputy defense secretary Paul Wolfowitz co-authored the scheme, under which the central and largest part of Iraq populated mostly by Sunnis (including Baghdad) would join with Jordan; the Kurdish region of northern and northwestern Iraq, including Mosul and the vast Kirkuk oilfields, would become its own autonomous state; and the Shi'a region in southwestern Iraq, including Basra, would make up the third canton, or would join with Kuwait.

Stratfor warned presciently that: 'The new government's attempts to establish control over all of Iraq may well lead to a civil war between Sunni, Shia and Kurdish ethnic groups… The fiercest fighting could be expected for control over the oil facilities' – exactly the scenario unfolding now. Fracturing the country along sectarian lines, however, 'may give Washington several strategic advantages':

'After eliminating Iraq as a sovereign state, there would be no fear that one day an anti-American government would come to power in Baghdad, as the capital would be in Amman [Jordan]. Current and potential US geopolitical foes Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria would be isolated from each other, with big chunks of land between them under control of the pro-US forces.

Equally important, Washington would be able to justify its long-term and heavy military presence in the region as necessary for the defense of a young new state asking for US protection - and to secure the stability of oil markets and supplies. That in turn would help the United States gain direct control of Iraqi oil and replace Saudi oil in case of conflict with Riyadh.'

Een paar jaar geleden hoorden de social media tot de belangrijkste wapens van wat toen de Arabische lente werd genoemd. Nu zijn volgens onze politieke leiders de jihadisten een groot en toenemend gevaar voor het Westen. De premier van Irak, El Maliki, die zijn functie mede aan de Amerikanen te danken heeft, wordt door Thomas Friedman in The New York Times ‘een zak’ genoemd. Hij regeert op een puinhoop waarmee niemand in het Westen raad weet.
H.J.A. Hofland. De Groene Amsterdammer. Woensdag 18 juni 2014
De 'social media,' internet dus, en 'El Maliki' als de grote boosdoeners in het Midden- Oosten terwijl de zionistische lobbyist Thomas Friedman als bron wordt opgevoerd, dat is de polderjournalistiek ten voeten uit. Veel verder komt de nestor van de Nederlandse mainstream pers niet. Dit is zijn simplistische invalshoek van een complex probleem dat door 'het vredestichtende Westen' (citaat Henk Hofland) de afgelopen eeuw is veroorzaakt. Friedman? Ja, de Amerikaanse opiniemaker van de New York Times die 7 juli 1991 onder de kop 'The World; A Rising Sense That Iraq's Hussein Must Go' schreef:  
Sooner or later, Mr. Bush argued, sanctions would force Mr. Hussein's generals to bring him down, and then Washington would have the best of all worlds: an iron-fisted Iraqi junta without Saddam Hussein.
Geert Mak's 'Ordebewakers.'
Go massive — sweep it all up, things related and not. 
Donald Rumsfeld, 11 september 2013.

Een indirect resultaat van de voortdurende crisis in het Midden-Oosten is dat in West-Europa een populistisch alarmisme wortel heeft geschoten. Het zaait angst, maar het heeft geen uitvoerbare oplossing. Die ligt in het Midden-Oosten, in de landen die voor het vredestichtende Westen onbereikbaar zijn geworden, zoals de praktijk heeft bewezen.
Henk Hofland. Het machteloze Westen. 17 juli 2013

As the Bush era nears its end in 2008, American power lies shattered. The U.S. Army is overstretched and broken, the American people are disillusioned and rudderless, U.S. credibility lies in ruins, and the world is a far more dangerous place. The Iraq war has bankrupted the United States, consuming up to $11 billion a month. Ultimately the strategies of the Bush administration have created a far bigger crisis in South and Central Asia than  existed before 9/11. There are now full-blown Taliban insurgencies in Afghanistan and Pakistan, want the next locus could be Uzbekistan. The safety of Pakistan's nuclear weapons is uppermost in the minds of Western governments. There are more failing states in the Muslim world, while al Qaeda has expanded around the world. 
Ahmed Rashid. Descent into Chaos. How the war against islamic extremism is being lost in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia. 2008

Iraqis are caught between internal pressure and external. But external pressure is much worse. It impinges on every aspect of our life daily — from electricity to drinking water to car repairs to textbooks to medicine. We see no end as yet.

The Stratfor report noted that the plan was only one among several under consideration at the time, and not yet finalized.

In this context, contradictory US policies appear to make sense. In early 2005, Pakistani defence sources revealed that the Pentagon had "resolved to arm small militias backed by US troops and entrenched in the population," consisting of 'former members of the Ba'ath Party' - linked up with al-Qaeda insurgents - to 'head off' the threat of a 'Shi'ite clergy-driven religious movement.' Almost simultaneously, the Pentagon began preparing its 'Salvador option' to sponsor Shi'ite death squads to 'target Sunni insurgents and their sympathizers.'

The strategic thinking behind arming both sides was alluded to by one US Joint Special Operations University report which said: 'US elite forces in Iraq turned to fostering infighting among their Iraqi adversaries on the tactical and operational level.' This included disseminating and propagating al-Qaeda jihadi activities by 'US psychological warfare (PSYOP) specialists' to fuel 'factional fighting' and 'to set insurgents battling insurgents.'

This short-sighted divide-and-rule strategy went nowhere within Iraq beyond fueling sectarianism, but has played out across the region. As I previously wrote in the Guardian and elsewhere, both the Bush and Obama administration have - through Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Gulf states - fostered extremist Sunni groups affiliated to al-Qaida across the Middle East to counter Iranian influence.

That has included extensive financing of jihadist groups in Syria to the tune of up to a billion dollars – a policy that began as early as 2009, and continued in the context of pipeline geopolitics. The US and UK had apparently decided that a proposed Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline would undermine the interests of their favored friends – Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan.

What is playing out now seems startlingly close to scenarios described in 2008 by a US Army-funded RAND Corp report on how to win 'the long war':

'The geographic area of proven oil reserves coincides with the power base of much of the Salafi-jihadist network…. For the foreseeable future, world oil production growth and total output will be dominated by Persian Gulf resources.'

One strategy to protect US access to Gulf oil explored by the report was 'Divide and Rule,' which would involve 'exploiting fault lines between the various Salafi-jihadist groups to turn them against each other and dissipate their energy on internal conflicts.' The US could also concentrate 'on shoring up the traditional Sunni regimes in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Pakistan as a way of containing Iranian power and influence in the Middle East and Persian Gulf.'

This might end up empowering Islamist terrorists, the report recognized – but that could be a good thing as it 'may actually reduce the al-Qaida threat to US interests in the short term' (never mind the long term) as they would target 'Iranian interests throughout the Middle East and Persian Gulf while simultaneously cutting back on anti-American and anti-Western operations.'

The potential results were anticipated. In February, director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Lt Gen Michael T Flynn testified in Congress that ISIS 'probably will attempt to take territory in Iraq and Syria to exhibit its strength in 2014.'

Now Iraqis are paying the price yet again for our ill-conceived imperial hubris, and the US is desperately considering an alliance with arch-enemy Iran to stave off Isis, whose bloody rampage across Iraq threatens to disrupt Iraqi oil production. The conflict has already triggered price spikesthat could worsen if Isis expands its hold of key cities.

A new intervention to keep the lid on oil prices is clearly tempting for the US and UK governments, except this would merely strike at the head of the hydra - the symptom - not the root cause. And so far, self-serving wars for oil are precisely what got us here. The rise of Isis – a movement so ruthless even their parent network al-Qaeda disowned them - is blowback from the same brand of oil addicted US-UK covert operations we have run for decades.

If we really wanted to shut down Isis and its ilk for good, we could start by dismantling and disentangling ourselves from the geopolitical and financial infrastructure of oil hegemony that incubates terror. In the current context, bombs promise nothing more than the road to escalation.
In Einstein's words: 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'

En ondertussen profiteert alleen het militair-industrieel complex van alle opgewonden westerse 'insanity' propaganda:

Canadian Parliament Panel Backs Joining US Missile Shield
Source: Global Security Newswire, 17 June 2014
A Canadian parliamentary panel on Monday gave its full-throated support to the country joining a US-led missile shield for North America.

The Canadian Senate Committee on National Security and Defence announced the panel was 'unanimous in recommending that the government of Canada enter into an agreement with the United States to participate as a partner in ballistic missile defense,' the Ottawa Citizen reported.

The panel recently held a number of hearings on the matter of US-Canadian antimissile collaboration. Ottawa in 2005 turned down a US proposal to participate in a regional antimissile framework, but the current Conservative Party-led government this spring asked parliament to hold hearings to examine whether the time had come to change that stance.

'The committee heard worrying testimony about the ongoing efforts of North Korea and Iran to acquire capabilities to deliver long-range, nuclear-armed ballistic missiles so as to threaten neighboring countries, NATO allies and North America,' a Senate committee report said.

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Ottawa was not ruling out any options related to missile defense but that the government had not reversed its 2005 decision, Reuters reported. 'Obviously, there are changes occurring in the world... and we'll make whatever decisions are in the best security safety interests of Canadians,' the Conservative Canadian leader said.

The United States presently deploys 30 strategic ballistic missile interceptors at two sites in California and Alaska. An additional 14 interceptors are planned for fielding in Alaska, though the timing of the deployment could change if a scheduled intercept test on Sunday is unsuccessful.

The Canadian parliamentary report noted that Canada presently cooperates with the United States in defending North America against potential cruise-missile and fighter-plane attacks, the Globe and Mail reported. The committee also noted that Canada, as a member of NATO, supports European ballistic missile defence, so it was puzzling that it does not explicitly endorse having its own antimissile protection.

Canada's senior military commander in the North American Aerospace Defense Command this month testified that joining with the United States in a regional antimissile system would allow for more efficient decision-making in the event of a missile attack on the continent, the Canadian Press reported.  

Door de massale, bewust gekweekte, culturele deprivatie is de Amerikaanse bevolking  politiek volstrekt ongeïnformeerd. Bijna de helft van de kiesgerechtigden stemt niet meer, en de meerderheid van degenen die wel stemt weet zeer weinig:

Americans Are Dangerously Politically Ignorant -- The Numbers Are Shocking

The nation’s collective ignorance paves the way for extremist politicians to validate their positions to the public.

Tea Party-backed economics professor David Brat, shown April 26, 2014 in Glen Allen, Virginia, defeated incumbent House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the June 10 primary.
Photo Credit: AFP
June 17, 2014  |

The health of a democracy is dependent on an educated citizenry.  Political illiteracy is the manure for the flourishing of political appeals based on sheer ignorance.
So let me introduce you to House Majority Speaker Eric Cantor’s Republican Party vanquisher David Brat (R-VI). First thing you need to know about this far right-wing political upstart is he’s a university professor, which means it’s highly probable he’s not an idiot. He also identifies with the Tea Party strain of conservatism, which, paradoxically, means it’s likely he is, indeed, an idiot. And by idiot, I mean wholly ignorant of U.S. history and constitutionality.
In fact, in his victory speech delivered last week to his supporters, Brat demonstrated that he sits among the majority of Americans when it comes to political and cultural illiteracy.
'I wish to restore America to its Judeo-Christian roots,' declared Brat. 'God acted through people on my behalf.'
Ignoring the self-delusion of the latter part of the above text, Brat now joins no less than 200 million Americans, according to a number of polls, who believe the U.S. Constitution and our laws are based on Judeo-Christian values. On any given Sunday you will hear Christian-right politicians claim absurdly that U.S. laws are based on the Bible. Spoiler alert: they’re dead wrong. The Constitution’s secular provisions came into being thanks to the Founding Fathers, who shared a deep suspicion of both organized religion and the supernatural. The Constitution was framed with a conscious omission of any mention of God and a prohibition of all religious tests for public office. Moreover, the First Amendment’s declaration that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” embodied the founders’ view that religion has no place in the political domain.
That not a single major media outlet bothered to correct Brat’s ignorance represents America’s continual decline in American civic and cultural literacy.
'Every shortcoming of American governance is related in some fashion to the knowledge deficit of the public – if only because there is no widespread indignation at policies shaped by elected officials who suffer from the same intellectual blind spots as their constituents,' observed Susan Jacoby, author of The Age of American Unreason.
The nation’s collective ignorance as it pertains to cultural and civic literacy paves the way for extremist politicians to convince the public of the validity of extreme positions.
So how bad is America’s political literacy?
A 2007 National Constitutional Center poll found that two-thirds of Americans couldn’t name all three branches of the U.S. federal government, nor a single Supreme Court justice. Another poll found that 91 percent couldn’t name the current Chief Justice, which is staggering considering the number of high profile, politically polarizing cases deliberated upon by the nation’s highest court in recent years – including the rulings on the Affordable Care Act, same-sex marriage and campaign finance laws.
It gets worse. When respondents were asked whether they could recall any of the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment, a majority could name only free speech. More than a third were unable to list any First Amendment rights. The National Constitution Center also found that 42 percent of Americans think the Constitution explicitly states that 'the first language of the United States is English' and 25 percent believe Christianity was established in the Constitution as the official government religion.
Only 40 percent of adults know that there are 100 Senators in the U.S. Congress, while a great majority of Americans have no idea of when or by whom the Constitution was written. A 2010 Pew Research Center survey of American’s knowledge of public affairs and politics revealed that political literacy has been in rapid and continual descent since high water mark of the 1950s. While one may be forgiven for not understanding all the quirky procedural rules of the U.S. Senate, one should be suitably embarrassed if one cannot at least correctly identify the number of votes needed to end a filibuster, but on that – more than two-thirds of Americans do not know the answer is 60.
This rising tide of ignorance threatens the very foundation of American democracy. Bertolt Brecht, the 20th century German playwright and poet, wrote, 'The worst illiterate is the political illiterate, he doesn’t hear, doesn’t speak, nor participates in the political events. He doesn’t know the cost of life, the price of the bean, of the fish, of the flour, of the rent, of the shoes and of the medicine, all depends on political decisions. The political illiterate is so stupid that he is proud and swells his chest saying that he hates politics. The imbecile doesn’t know that, from his political ignorance is born the prostitute, the abandoned child, and the worst thieves of all, the bad politician, corrupted and flunky of the national and multinational companies.'
Brecht nails it! Political illiteracy is what propels middle class workers to protest the expansion of collective bargaining laws, like what happened recently in Tennessee when Volkswagen allowed its workers to vote for union membership by holding placards sponsored by Americans For Prosperity. If there was a better example of Orwellian genius than Americans For Prosperity, I haven’t seen it. I mean, who doesn’t want prosperity? But less than 10 percent of Americans know that Americans For Prosperity is a political action committee wholly and solely funded and founded by David and Charles Koch. Its sole purpose is to ensure the continued prosperity of David and Charles Koch, which ultimately comes at the expense of the same middle class workers holding Americans For Prosperity placards.
An embrace of infantile emotionalism has supplanted political literacy. Henry Giroux, author of Zombie Politics and Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism, writes:
'It [infantile emotionalism] is perfectly suited for emptying the language of public life of all substantive content, reduced in the end to a playground for hawking commodities, promoting celebrity culture and enacting the spectacle of right-wing fantasies fueled by the fear that the public sphere as an exclusive club for white male Christians is in danger of collapsing. For some critics, those who carry guns to rallies or claim Obama is a Muslim and not a bona fide citizen of the United States are simply representative of an extremist fringe, that gets far more publicity from the mainstream media than they deserve. Of course this is understandable, given that the media’s desire for balance and objective news is not just disingenuous but relinquishes any sense of ethical responsibility by failing to make a distinction between an informed argument and an unsubstantiated opinion.'
There are a great number of reasons for the decline in American political literacy. One that cannot be overlooked is the absence of national standards, which is why American children know so much less about their history than European children know about the history of their native lands. Another is the collapse of journalistic standards.
Giroux writes: 'The United States is a country that is increasingly defined by a civic deficit, a chronic and deadly form of civic illiteracy that points to the failure of both its educational system and the growing ability of anti-democratic forces to use the educational force of the culture to promote the new illiteracy. As this widespread illiteracy has come to dominate American culture, we have moved from a culture of questioning to a culture of shouting and in doing so have restaged politics and power in both unproductive and anti-democratic ways.'
In other words, when Republicans say there is no such thing as gravity, and Democrats reply that gravity is real, CNN and the like say, 'Look, Democrats and Republicans are fighting again,' which not only exacerbates the nation’s anti-intellectualism and anti-rationalism, but also increases the likelihood of extremist views and falsehoods taking hold in the national electorate.
CJ Werleman is the author of 'Crucifying America,' and 'God Hates You. Hate Him Back.' Follow him on Twitter: @cjwerleman

En hoe staat het met het gidsland achter de dijken?

Nederlandse wapenexport afgelopen jaren enorm gegroeid

Van onze verslaggevers Gerard Reijn en Leen Vervaeke − 14/03/11, 04:02

AMSTERDAM - De Nederlandse wapenexport is de afgelopen jaren enorm gegroeid. Per hoofd van de bevolking staat Nederland nu in de topdrie van wapenexporterende naties, ruim voor Amerikanen, Russen, Fransen of Duitsers. Alleen de Israëliërs en de Zweden exporteren per inwoners nog meer dan de Nederlanders.Nederlandse chinook-helikopters in Afghanistan

Wat doen die Nederlanders daar op de oorlogsbeurs?
Door Camil Driessen op woensdag 18 juni 2014

Het is de week van de wapenhandel. Tot en met vrijdag wordt in Parijs de Eurosatory gehouden: de grootste legerbeurs ter wereld (naar eigen zeggen). Regimes uit Irak, Djibouti, China en nog 87 landen bezoeken de beurs waar honderden bedrijven hun wapens en technologie proberen te slijten.
Zo ook 25 Nederlandse bedrijven. Wapenhandel is in Nederland goed voor bijna een miljard aan export per jaar, naar landen als Qatar, Saoedi-Arabië en Taiwan.
Russian companies to take part in EUROSATORY international arms show in Paris
World June 09, 20:05 UTC+4 
The EUROSATORY exhibition has been held since 1992 under the auspices of the French Defense Ministry…

Twenty-eight Russian companies will take part in the EUROSATORY 2014 international show of arms and military hardware at the Paris Nord Villepinte exhibition center from June 16 to 20, 2014, a spokesperson for the Russian Federal Service for Military Technological Cooperation told ITAR-TASS… 

The exhibition space will cover more than 120,000 square meters. Official delegations from 107 countries are planning to visit the arms show. A total of 1,456 foreign companies from 57 countries have applied for participation this year.

Kijk, er is iets heel geks gebeurt. In Europa waren we zo bezig met die soft power en op een andere manier een internationale orde te scheppen, en Europa is daar heel succesvol in geweest. Alleen Poetin doet dat weer op een negentiende eeuwse manier. Het is een andere manier van denken die hij ineens weer de Europeanen door de strot douwt. Wij moeten er wel op voorbereid zijn dat her en der de negentiende eeuw ook nog heerst. Dus defensie kun je niet helemáál afbreken.
Geert Mak. Eén op Eén. 5 mei 2014

De gevierde bestseller-auteur en zijn echtgenote. Geert Mak heeft nooit een oorlog van dichtbij meegemaakt. 'Nemen wij, chroniqueurs van het heden en verleden, onze taak, het ‘uitbannen van onwaarheid’, serieus genoeg?  Zeker in deze tijd? Ik vraag het me af. Op dit moment vindt op Europees en mondiaal niveau een misvorming van de werkelijkheid plaats die grote consequenties heeft.'

Kicking Against the Establishment: It’s Time for Truth in Media

  96  116 

Down but Not Defeated: Why the Truth Must be Told
Rhetoric coming out of Washington is constantly using and abusing the term “democracy” as a concept to be defended and cheered. But what we see in the US is a far-cry from any real and accountable system of democracy.
In fact, the United States of America couldn’t be farther from being “the land of milk and honey” as it once proclaimed itself to be; its promise of wealth and stability, the oft-referenced yet seldom seen “American dream”, is undeniably buried in the realm of wishful thinking — for the majority of people, that is.
Elections give the illusion of choice while maintaining a status quo that sees the rich get richer and the poor scrambling to redefine their definitions of “rock bottom”. (See Andy Kroll, “Billionaires Unchained: America is a Democracy of the Wealthy“).
The good news is, the majority can no longer afford (quite literally) to stay complacent in the face of rampant financial exploitation by a ruling minority that knows no bounds to its powerlust.
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