Het dringt nog niet tot mijn collega's in Nederland door, maar in de VS rebelleert de gevestigde orde. Al eerder hadden generaals de Bush bende laten weten dat ze niet akkoord gingen met een oorlog tegen Iran, maar nu hebben de geheime diensten zich uitgesproken, onmiddellijk gesteund door Democraten in het Congres, het is een gecoordeneerde actie. Iran is geen gevaar voor de wereldvrede en ontwikkelt geen kernwapens, hoeft dus ook niet gebombardeerd te worden, zoals Israel en de pro-Israel lobby al jarenlang beweert en suggereert. Dat is een klap voor Israel en de Amerikaanse oorlogsindustrie. De gevestigde orde in de VS weigert nog langer mee te doen aan de oorlogshysterie. Dat is een revolutionaire gebeurtenis, maar onvermijdelijk.
De Independent bericht:
'Iran ''has halted its nuclear weapons programme''
By Leonard Doyle in Washington
Published: 04 December 2007
In a blow to Bush administration hawks demanding military strikes on Iran, a US intelligence report reveals that Tehran's secret nuclear weapons programme was shut down four years ago.
The finding which has come as a surprise to friends and foes of the US concluded: "We do not know whether [Iran] currently intends to develop nuclear weapons." That is in sharp contrast to an intelligence report two years ago that stated Iran was "determined to develop nuclear weapons".
US officials said the report showed that the Bush administration was right to conclude that Tehran intends to develop nuclear weapons in the long term. They also said that Iran was forced to end its secret programme because of financial sanctions and diplomacy backed up with the threat of force.
"Today's National Intelligence Estimate offers some positive news," said the National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley. "It confirms that we were right to be worried about Iran seeking to develop nuclear weapons."
He added that on balance the report was "good news", insisting it showed Tehran was susceptible to international pressure but that the risk of it acquiring nuclear weapons "remains a very serious problem".
President Bush seemed to prepare the ground for just such an attack last month when he declared that any international effort to avoid "World War III" would have to start by preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear capability. Vice-President Dick Cheney then threatened "serious consequences" if Tehran did not abandon its nuclear programme.
As these threats were being made, the CIA had secretly concluded that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ended the nuclear weapons work years ago in the face of diplomatic pressure and the threat of sanctions. The order " was directed primarily in response to increasing international scrutiny and pressure," the spy agencies said.'
Lees verder: http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/article3221003.ece
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