dinsdag 24 april 2007

De Israelische Terreur 186

Onder het goedkeurende oog van hun moeder en een Israelische soldaat schrijven deze Israelische kinderen verwensingen op raketten die vorig jaar zomer op Libanon werden afgeschoten. Hieronder ziet u het resultaat van die Israelische beschietingen. Zo zien stoffelijke overschotten van kinderen, babies, vrouwen en mannen eruit. De Nederlandse regering en de meerderheid van onze volksvertegenwoordigers steunen deze terreur tegen een burgerbevolking door Israel economische, militair en politiek te helpen. Het is ongelooflijk, maar waar. Ooit zal het Westen voor deze oorlogsmisdaden een rekening betalen.

'Tempers Rise Over Reconstruction
Dahr Jamail, The Electronic Intifada, 23 April 2007
BINT JBAIL, 23 April 2007 (IPS) - Eight months after Israeli attacks left devastation across many villages in southern Lebanon, reconstruction comes with mounting anger towards both Israel and the central Lebanese government.The war which raged between Israel and Hezbollah Jul. 12 to Aug. 14 last year destroyed many villages in the south, and left others badly damaged.Starting from within hours of the ceasefire, about a million people who had fled southern Lebanon began to return, many to wrecked homes. One of the towns almost completely destroyed was Bint Jbail, less than 5km from the Lebanese-Israeli border."Israeli warplanes would bomb us, then their tanks up above the hill outside our city would shell people when they fled their homes," mayor Ali Beydoun told IPS at his partially destroyed house. "I have come back to work on rebuilding our home, while my family is staying in Dahiyeh in Beirut." Dahiyeh is the southern suburb of Beirut which was also bombed heavily by Israeli warplanes.Beydoun is just as angry with the current Lebanese government as with the Israeli military."We support the opposition to the government because we want our rights and we want justice and support in rebuilding from the war," he said. "At least the head of the government should come see what happened to his own country."Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora never visited southern Lebanon to see what happened during the war. "Instead he went on holiday to Jordan. Is it possible for a prime minister not to know or care about his own country?"Rather than funding from the Lebanese government, Bint Jbail is being rebuilt primarily with money from Qatar, and with some help from Hezbollah, which was first on the scene with funding and relief supplies for the residents.Others are angry with the local government."The local municipality isn't letting us rebuild our homes the way they were," Bilal Hussein Jama'a told IPS. "They want to build a bigger road and more modern housing units, but this could affect my house as I had before."Jama'a, who had stayed in the conflict-ridden city for the first 17 days of the war, is also up against both the Israeli military and the Lebanese government.'
Zie ook:
'Palestine: Human Rights:
Report, PCHR, 22 April 2007'

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