Sonja heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "The Empire 648" achtergelaten:
Videotip: Robert Fisk in 'discussie' met een propagandapipo van het Jewish Congress, die geen antwoord kan verzinnen op de vraag: waarom bouwt Israël nederzettingen op de West Bank?
Fisk meldt hier ook dat de laatste keer dat de VS serieus kritisch op Israël was (en zich in deze iets van de VN aantrok), was in 1956, toen Eisenhower te kennen gaf dat Israël uit Suez moest vertrekken, or else.
Geplaatst door Sonja op stan van houcke op 11:48 AM
Videotip: Robert Fisk in 'discussie' met een propagandapipo van het Jewish Congress, die geen antwoord kan verzinnen op de vraag: waarom bouwt Israël nederzettingen op de West Bank?
Fisk meldt hier ook dat de laatste keer dat de VS serieus kritisch op Israël was (en zich in deze iets van de VN aantrok), was in 1956, toen Eisenhower te kennen gaf dat Israël uit Suez moest vertrekken, or else.
Geplaatst door Sonja op stan van houcke op 11:48 AM

Robert Fisk in vorm in The Independent 17 July 2010:
"Which brings us, of course, to the Grovel of the Week, the unctuous, weak-willed, cringing figure of Barack "Change" Obama as he strode the White House lawn with Netanyahu himself. For here was the champion of the underdog, the "understanding" president who could fix the Middle East – finding it "harder that he thought", according to his spokesman – proving that mid-term elections are more important than all the injustice in the Middle East. It is more than a year now since Netanyahu responded in cabinet to Obama's first criticisms with the remark: "This guy doesn't get it, does he?" (The quote comes from an excellent Israeli source of mine.) Ever since, Netanyahu has been McChrystalling Obama on a near-weekly basis, and Obama has been alternatively hissing and purring, banning Netanyahu from photo calls, but then – as those elections draw nearer – rolling over and talking about how the brave Netanyahu, whose government has just destroyed some more Arab homes in East Jerusalem, is taking "risks for peace"."
"Which brings us, of course, to the Grovel of the Week, the unctuous, weak-willed, cringing figure of Barack "Change" Obama as he strode the White House lawn with Netanyahu himself. For here was the champion of the underdog, the "understanding" president who could fix the Middle East – finding it "harder that he thought", according to his spokesman – proving that mid-term elections are more important than all the injustice in the Middle East. It is more than a year now since Netanyahu responded in cabinet to Obama's first criticisms with the remark: "This guy doesn't get it, does he?" (The quote comes from an excellent Israeli source of mine.) Ever since, Netanyahu has been McChrystalling Obama on a near-weekly basis, and Obama has been alternatively hissing and purring, banning Netanyahu from photo calls, but then – as those elections draw nearer – rolling over and talking about how the brave Netanyahu, whose government has just destroyed some more Arab homes in East Jerusalem, is taking "risks for peace"."
1 opmerking:
Alex Burghoorn is weer terug in Nederland. Hij woonde 5 jaar in Jeruzalem met vrouw en kinderen. Zijn vrouw werkte voor een microkredietbank voor Palestijnse boeren in Ramalla. Op de radio wist hij te melden dat Israëli's zo paranoia zijn dat er amper mee te praten valt, en zeker ook racistisch. Natuurlijk in bedekte termen.
Dat hebben we in de krant niet gelezen.
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