donderdag 11 augustus 2016

Exposing Zionism

Exposing Zionism and Israel: A Definitive Guide

This is an in-depth and comprehensive overview for people who care enough to learn the truth about the Palestinian/ Israeli conflict, Zionism, and the hidden forces that created it. If there is ever to be peace and justice in Israel and Palestine, the truth must be known. Like a “well-meaning” band aid on a bullet wound, concessions will not suffice. After decades of war, only a thorough understanding of the underlying, hidden facts will create a solid foundation for any lasting healing and peace to be made.
This may be controversial, but we’ve reached a dangerous point of critical mass where we need to start facing the facts about our collective actions instead of “politely” running away from them. This issue affects us all in many ways which we’ll discuss. But because it’s a sensitive subject for some people, let’s rip the band-aid off quickly and get right to the core of the issue – ZIONISM.
First off, we need to make a clear distinction between “Jews” and Zionists”. They are very different. Judaism is a religion. Zionism is a nationalistic movement that demands the return of the Jewish people to “their” “homeland”to establish Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel based on a fictionalized Bronze-Age religious superstition. Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are religious Jews. In fact, many Jews in Israel disagree with Zionist Religious Nationalism. They see how Zionism differs in both principle and practice from the fundamental Jewish faith, and has been used by wealthy elites as an emotionally-driven tool of brainwashing and infiltration that manipulates Jewish people to usurp sociopolitical control.
“Zionists” are a group of people that believe Jews must be in control of the historical land of Israel, and are willing to use unlimited violence, theft, and subversion to achieve this goal. This is not an opinion – this is a restatement of many Zionist figureheads’ own words.
“We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.”
~Yisrael Koenig, The Koenig Memorandum.
“We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population?’ Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said ‘Drive them out!'”
~ Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of Rabin memoirs, published in the New York Times, 23 October 1979.
“We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai.”
~ David Ben-Gurion, May 1948, to the General Staff. From Ben-Gurion, A Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978.
Some religious people may cling to the Zionist notion of “the chosen people” and their “god-given right to the holy land” that is based on a completely absurd Bronze-Age religious superstition with no scientifically factual legitimacy.  In a sane, rational world, your beliefs don’t entitle you with magical “god given rights” to take away the inherent rights of others.
For example: the following clip refers to the lunacy of religious fanatics condemning gays because of what it says in the Bible. But it can also be applied to the lunacy of Zionism condemning everyone who doesn’t completely agree with them, their twisted interpretations of old scripture, and their demand for Religious Nationalism.
Check it out.
Honestly, if simple logic and reason were enough to resolve the situation, we could stop the article here and begin the conscious evolution of the human species.
But religion, including the religion of the State (of which Zionism comprises both), isn’t based on logic and reason. Religious and statist brainwashing is based on emotional “justification”, social pressures, and fear-based indoctrination. So, in case you happen to be someone who needs an avalanche of facts and statistics to show you the horrific illegitimacy of Zionism, along with how people around the world, Jews and non-Jews, are being manipulated towards global destruction by Zionism, let’s continue.
The imaginary religious rhetoric used as the justification of Israel’s establishment says, ‘Semites are God’s chosen people with a right to their holy land’. Even if you believe this megalomaniacal, borderline insane declaration, most Israelis (estimates suggest between 70-85%) aren’t actual Semites! They are converted Ashkenazi Jews from Europe that immigrated to Palestine after World War II. Ironically, the TRUE Semites are the Palestinians, having descended from the Semitic tribes in the Middle East! It’s sadly hypocritical that Israel’s apartheid genocide of Palestine over the past 70+ years is the most horrific “Anti-Semitic” oppression in the world.
Since we’ve clarified the “Semitic” issue, in regards to the “Anti-Semitic” claim, we can see that it too quickly falls apart with no legitimacy. Even former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni admits that “calling people ‘Anti-Semitic’ is a trick. We always use it.” It’s a manufactured form of cultural shaming based on lies. It’s part of a desperate attempt to shut down dissent, critical thinking, and inquiry, since obviously using facts, logic, and reason doesn’t work so well in support of Zionism.
So now that we’ve deconstructed the fundamental justifications of Zionism, let’s address Israel’s purported “right to self-defense”. Israel’s main opponent is Hamas, and there has been years of horrific fighting with both parties carrying responsibility. However, did you know that Israel (and the US, by proxy) created Hamas? For those unaware, the Israeli Mossad (their CIA) created Hamas in 1987, with the frontmen Sheikh Ahmed Ismail Yassin and Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi. Why? Because, as Zeev Sternell, historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, says: “Israel thought that it was a smart ploy to push the Islamists against the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).”
Divide and conquer: the oldest military tactic in the book.
Well, isn’t that interesting?
This is the same story for the creation of Al Quaeda/ ISIS by the USA in the endless, hypocritical “War on Terror”. Since war is profitable, the psychopaths in power “solve their problems” by making an even bigger problem, then use the state-controlled mainstream media cover up their responsibility by spinning the situation to play the victim card when things get out of hand. This is the same behavior seen in psychopaths. Psychopaths covertly and purposefully create their own problems, using guilt, gaslighting, and divisive rhetoric to act like the victims, doing exactly what they demonize others of doing (like using children as human shields)pandering to their allies while simultaneously manipulating them, inflaming the drama to generate more power, all while continuously lying and feeding off the energy of others.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was even caught on film admitting all of this!
It doesn’t get much more blatant than that.
In the same way, Israel has continued to lie, manipulate, murder, and drain resources from other countries with impunity, despite breaking international lawarms laws, and unjustly murdering tens of thousands of innocent civilians in Palestine and other countries which creates even more civil unrest and backlash. It’s all part of the Machiavellian plan to maintain power, and Zionist sympathizers have fallen for it, hook, line, and sinker.
Bottom line: when you are illegally occupying territories that are not yours based on fictional beliefs, contrary to consensus of international law, purposefully arming other religious extremists to create bigger problems, you have no inherent moral superiority deserving of defense or “rights” over that land. PERIOD. Don’t agree? Let’s say I broke in to your house declaring, “One of my ancestors wrote in a book a long time ago saying this is my land forever because I believe something different than you, so I’m taking everything you own and putting you in a concentration camp. And If you fight back, I have the right to kill you.” Would you allow it to happen and say, “Well, he has a right to self-defense because of his religious superstition”, or would you consider me a criminal who’s mentally delusional? Obviously, it would be criminally insane! So why would any person with a conscience and an ounce of sanity allow it to happen to Palestine?
In this way, we can compare Zionism to the American settlers’ apartheid genocide of Native Americans under the fictional, religious ideology of “Manifest Destiny”. Same as always, those with more power demonize those that resist with propaganda, calling them “terrorists”“savages”, “lesser”,  “insurgents”, and “a threat to civilization”.
Just like America’s excuse of their oppression and expulsion from England to “seek their own land”, Zionism also uses a fictional, wildly exaggerated narrative of the Holocaust as the justification for turning Palestine in to an apartheid concentration camp. And just like America ignores the underhanded, subversive details of its history, Zionism also conveniently leaves out much of its history which causes the conflicts it pretends to be the victim of. For example, Zionists ignore being responsible for the economic collapse and cultural exploitation of Germany in the early 20th century. And when they were removed from their positions of power, unable to usurp off Germany unto its demise, International Zionists used the Jewish people as a scapegoat for declaring war on Germany pre-World War 2.
They say “Truth Fears No Investigation”, yet the Holocaust continues to be ILLEGAL to simply question in many countries. This is one of the many mechanisms of mind control we see to maintain social ignorance so Zionists can continue their endless predation of entire countries.  I guess the Zionist declaration “Never Again!” doesn’t apply when you are the one committing the genocidal atrocities. How convenient… for the psychopaths behind it all.
With these psychopathic commonalities, is it any surprise that America is Israel’s biggest supporter– politically, industrially, militarily, and financially? Even while America’s infrastructure crumbles, it has increasingly givenhundred of billions of dollars to Israel, at $3 billion per year and rising (not including loan guarantees, massive weapon stockpiles, military and private development contracts, and more). If a government’s loyalties are supposedly to the betterment of its people first and foremost, above all, then why would the US government sacrifice the well-being of its own people to support a foreign country? It’s more than just strategic positioning to spread control in the Middle East. The reason why is because, just like in pre-WW2 Germany, behind the scenes, key elements in government, banking, industry, and media have been hijacked by Zionists who are beholden to the elite private interests that put them in positions of power over the interests of the people. History repeats itself when people don’t learn the lessons.
DEES Pledge (D)
Speaking of “history repeats itself”, we’ll come back to discussing who’s behind the scenes after a quick historical segue to better understand how and why the situation came to be.
In my discussions with Israeli supporters, people try to justify the occupation by claiming, “The region is better now with Israel there because before Israel came along, nobody was really in Palestine. It was full of violent, uncivilized people oppressing women and cutting peoples’ head off.” This too is incorrect, and desperately in need of some education. Here’s a quick history lesson to set the record straight, so get ready for rapid fire facts.
From 1517-1917 Turkey’s Ottoman Empire stretched across what is presently known as Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and Israel. During World War I (1914-1918), Turkey supported Germany. When Germany was defeated, so were the Turks. Prior to this in 1916, as the region was being taken over by the Allied forces, control of the southern portion of the Ottoman Empire was “mandated” to France and Britain under the Sykes-Picot Agreement supervised by the League of Nations, which divided the Arab region into zones of influence. This was not meant to permanently retain control, since the region had been under Middle Eastern control since the 16th century. Instead, it was intended as a temporary measure to facilitate the transition “until such time as they [the native communities] are able to stand alone“, as was stated in The Covenant of the League of Nations. In other words, “Don’t try and manipulate the region for control. Just keep the peace and let people govern themselves”. This was considered a very reasonable agreement to everyone involved at the time (except the Turks and the Axis powers in the war, obviously). Lebanon and Syria were assigned (mandated) to France, and “Mandatory Palestine” (today’s Jordan, Israel, and Palestine) was mandated in trust to Great Britain.
To the well-established native Arab population who lived in Palestine, it was their homeland. Return of their native rights had been promised to them both implicitly in The Covenant of the League of Nations which was the charter for the League of Nations through which they formed an agreement with local communities, but also by the Allies in the McMahon Agreement (1915) for their help in defeating the Turks in World War 1. However, soon after in 1917 this would be betrayed by the Balfour Declaration, wherein the British would also promise Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild and his Zionist counterparts the establishment of a Jewish state in exchange for financial, industrial, and political support to win WW1 (and gain support for all future conflicts, obviously). This betrayal and introduction of privatized ultra-wealthy elitist Zionist sociopolitical control is the pivotal demise in the history of the region. It also ties in to the imposed injustice in Treaty of Versailles after World War 1, the socioeconomic destruction of Germany between the two wars, and the hidden history of World War 2, all of which was instigated and manipulated by Zionist interests to their benefit for the creation of Israel.
But from these facts, we can see that before Israel, Palestine was a relatively modern, well-established area with a diverse, thriving culture under Turkish/ tentative British rule and influence. Now it’s well known as the largest concentration camp in the world. For anyone who wants further proof that Palestine was a legitimate region with a cohesive national community which was destroyed by Zionist interests, having existed well before the illegitimate creation of Israel, there are several authenticated photographs which document that period in history. Even more, here is a minted coin from 1927 worth 10 Mils (this currency is obviously no longer used).
Note that the word “Palestine” is written in both Arabic and Hebrew indicating not only a Jewish presence, but a prominent one! Jews and Arabs DID live side by side in peace. The modern idea that they cannot coexist is an absolute fallacy, purposefully manufactured by the same wealthy Zionist interests who wanted to destabilize the region for their own power.
There are a dizzying number of crimes and offenses by Zionists that we could further address. The unprovoked attack of the USS Liberty by Israel, complete US political control by AIPAC, the suspicious assassination of Yitzhak Rabin (referred to as Israel’s JFK trying to make peace with Palestine) by a proud Zionist, the Golan Heights development and other continuing land grabs, the horrific human-rights-violations towards the Palestinians, the myth of the Iron Dome defenseMOSSAD’s involvement in the 9-11 attacks, and much more. But each one is deserving of an article (if not a book) by itself. This is simply an overview. If you want to go deeper, please check out the links provided and do your own research.
But since we’ve laid the groundwork, it seems appropriate for a foremost researcher on the subject, David Icke, to elaborate and tie together the history of Zionism & Israel, he hidden controllers behind it all, and the specific puppets in power we see at work today.
So there it is.
Looking throughout history, this is nothing new. From Egypt, to the Dark Ages, to the Vatican, religion and politics have been “partners in crime” since their inception, creating conflict for the benefit of a few psychopaths in power, outside the public eye, at the expense of everything else. Until people realize the Zionist Story and learn who is behind these manipulations, history will continue to repeat itself. Mere concessions and appeasement will not suffice. Considering the state of the world and the consequences of our collective ignorance, we desperately need truth, love, and justice, and we need it fast.
Religion, politics, society are exploiting you, and you are being conditioned by them; you are being forced in a particular direction. You are not human beings; you are mere cogs in a machine. You suffer patiently, submitting to the cruelties of environment, when you, individually, have the possibilities of changing them.”
~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
Humberto Braga is a professional visual artist, life coach, and author whose life is dedicated to facilitating an accelerated evolution of consciousness through providing practical knowledge, personal healing, social awareness, and holistic spiritual guidance towards truth, justice, freedom, and wholeness.
His work ties together several subjects and provides effective strategies to help actualize the best version of yourself and navigate the challenges of life, ranging from health, psychology, personal relationships, activism, society, government, voluntarism/ anarchism, environmentalism, paradigm shifts, metaphysics, and the hyperdimensional Matrix Control System.
Raised in Wisconsin through a very difficult childhood with only a single deaf mother, Humberto grew up constantly questioning “authority”, and seeing UFOs, extraterrestrials, ghosts, and other paranormal phenomenon which compelled him to seek answers to the deeper mysteries of life. Through willpower, research, and divine guidance, he’s transformed his life far beyond his greatest childhood dreams, and presently resides in Topanga Canyon, California, living an amazingly blessed and fulfilling life.
You can connect with Humberto via:
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