dinsdag 19 juli 2016

Rich Hate The Poor

Six richest countries host just 9 percent of world's refugees: Oxfam

Report says rich nations profit from instability in countries like Yemen through arms sales while failing to do enough to help displaced people
A refugee family walks through the snow in Serbia late last year (AFP)
MEE staff's picture
Last update: 
Monday 18 July 2016 12:09 UTC
The world’s six wealthiest countries – which together make up more than half the global economy – host fewer than nine percent of the total refugee population, Oxfam has found.
“A poor welcome from the world’s wealthy,” a new report published by the aid group on Monday, finds that manmade crises are forcing record numbers of people to flee their homes, many to neighbouring countries that are “ill-equipped to help”.
The world’s six wealthiest countries – the US, China, Japan, Germany, the UK and France, which together contribute 56.6 percent of global GDP – host just 8.88 percent of the over 15 million people currently displaced outside their home countries.
Over 50 percent of the total refugee population are hosted by six states that contribute 1.9 percent of global GDP – Jordan, Turkey, the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Pakistan, Lebanon and South Africa.
Meanwhile, the report says, rich states are contributing to and even profiting from the instability behind the biggest migration crisis since World War Two.
“For example, a surge in weapons purchased by Saudi Arabia (including from the UK and the US), which is leading a coalition of nations fighting in Yemen, helped push global arms sales up more than 10 percent in 2015,” the report finds.
Over a million Yemenis are currently displaced, although the vast majority have fled their homes to other parts of the country, which even before the start of the current conflict last March was the poorest in the region.
Arms sales to Saudi Arabia from the UK – which has sold $3.6bn of weaponry to the kingdom since March 2015 – continue, despite “compelling evidence” uncovered by Human Rights Watch that UK-made armaments have been used in air strikes that broke international law.
The report also slams the EU for “misusing aid” to curb the numbers of people seeking asylum in Europe.
“European governments are prepared to work with and provide aid to regimes such as Sudan and Eritrea in order to prevent the movement of people,” the report claims.
EU leaders reportedly held a secret meeting in March in which they agreed to send cameras, scanners and other border-control technology to Sudan – as well as training its border guards – despite concerns raised by some officials that the EU could be criticised for “engaging with repressive governments on migration”.
The EU also recently entered into a controversial deal with Ankara – which has long sought EU membership – to try to prevent people from attempting the risky crossing from Turkey, which is currently hosting an estimated 2.7 million Syrian refugees, to Europe.
The Oxfam report calls on the governments of wealthy countries to substantially increase the support offered to low- and middle-income countries hosting large numbers of refugees, though it does not demand a loosening of border restrictions by richer states. 
“The world's richest countries can and should do much more to help the world’s most vulnerable people who have fled their homes because of violence and conflict,” the report concludes.

5 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Gematigde rebellen

Surreëel: een wereld waarin de grootste agressoren ook de grootste donoren zijn maar waar die zogenaamde humanitaire hulp vooral een (schijn(heilige)beweging) druppel op een gloeiende plaat is naast misselijkmakende huichelarij.

De houthi's begaan eveneens de meest ernstige mensenrechtenschendingen in Yemen waar niet zelden kinderen de meest te betreuren slachtoffers zijn maar dan dit: De brutaliteit van het vrije syrische opstandelingenleger de FSA die het presteren zich uit te leven door een jochie van 12 te onthoofden om vervolgens triomphantelijk ... woede, verbijstering... tranen... Onmetelijk diep, gematigd rebel.

Anoniem zei

Nogmaals de link nu werkend: Een godje, een prinsje, een engeltje godverdomme!
Arme moeder die duizend doden sterft ook... het lef, mede mogelijk gemaakt door de alliantie!

Anoniem zei

Een Palestijnse vluchteling nota bene... Nergens veilig. Kinderen al helemaal niet!

F-16 piloten hadden vliegtuig Erdogan in het vizier en schoten niet. Bombardeerden daarentegen wel het parlementsgebouw. Die Rare lucht toch de hele tijd... Een toneelstuk in een toneelstuk in een... wat? Dat het nationalisme Turken niet de strot uit komt!

Anoniem zei

Welja, toe maar nog een joch van 12 afgeslacht... Israeli soldiers kill 12-year-old Palestinian with rubber bullet* during clashes in central West Bank Alweer een Palestijn en alweer een *'ongelukje' zeker, not!

'RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- A 12-year-old Palestinian was killed Tuesday evening during clashes with Israeli soldiers in the town of al-Ram north of Jerusalem in the central occupied West Bank, according to medical sources. Clashes erupted after Israeli forces raided the town of al-Ram, as Palestinian youths threw rocks and empty bottles at Israeli soldiers who then responded by shooting live fire, rubber-coated steel bullets, and tear gas bombs into the community.

The Palestinian teen, who was pronounced dead on arrival at the Palestine Medical Center, was identified by the Palestinian Ministry of Health as 12-year-old Muhye Muhammad Sidqi al-Tabbakhi. '
*Dat 'rubber' in 'rubber bullet' is zoals later in de tekst naar voren komt (rubber-coated steel bullets) niets anders dan de uiterst misleidende verpakking. Wikipedia: ' Israeli rubber bullets are produced in two main types. The older type, the standard rubber bullet, is a steel sphere coated in a thin layer of rubber, weighing 14 grams, while the new improved rubber bullet, introduced in 1989, is a rubber-coated metal cylinder 1.7 cm in diameter, weighing 15.4 grams.[15] Of the lethal injuries from this projectile, most are suffered to the head'.

*Stelselmatige kindermoorden volgen een patroon.

Bauke Jan Douma zei

Het is een oude opmerking, van wie die is weet ik niet, hij lijkt iets paradoxaals
te hebben, maar hij is inderdaad: "niets levert zoveel haat op als armoe".

Er zal wel een onderliggende psychologische verklaring zijn, maar hoe dat ook zij,
een onderliggend excuus is die nog niet.

Kortom: vecht hand en tand tegen Rutte en zijn handlangers.

Listen to Professor Finkelstein about Killling of Palestinian Children

  https://x.com/sahouraxo/status/1871260481337659645 sarah @sahouraxo “More children have been killed in Gaza in 6 months than the total num...