donderdag 19 september 2024

Jewish Christian Civilization


Deze terreur wordt door de overgrote meerderheid van de Nederlandse politici gesteund. Wat zou er gebeuren wanneer iemand voorstelde OLLONGREN EN WILDERS VAN EEN HOOG DAK TE GOOIEN? 

The Israeli soldiers killed, mutilated and humiliated the bodies of three Palestinians in Qabatia ( Jenin area) today and threw their bodies from a high building to the ground in a savage and inhuman manner.

The Israeli soldiers killed, mutilated and humiliated the bodies of three Palestinians in Qabatia ( Jenin area) today and threw their bodies from a high building to the ground in a savage and inhuman manner.


Geen opmerkingen:

Mark Rutte is Irrelevant Richard @ricwe123 So here we have Colonel Douglas Macgregor exposing the sheer incompete...